[Feedback] Emerald Dream & Patch 10.2

Having spent two days in the Emerald Dream zone, I figured I’d put all of my feedback into one thread.

First of all, I love the environment, the side quests, and the recognizable Druid NPCs, I enjoy the new forms Druid got and all of the zone sets plus additional transmog + pets, and mounts.

However, this patch is riddled with bugs, and I haven’t seen this much in a content patch for a while.
Let’s list them:

A Shared Dream World Quest: Missing density with the Searing-Sun Crows.
Dryad Fire Drill World Quest: Phasing issue, can’t start the world quest if you advanced in the story
Pollenfused Bristlebruin Fur Sample: Cannot loot this if you’ve advanced in the story.
Guild crests and tabards: Symbols are missing
Translucent dragons during dragon riding: apparently fixed, still happens from time to time
Whelp passenger: during flight, the animation freezes
Lillian Voss disappears during the scene with Shandris in the cave making you unable to continue the quest, have to keep restarting it in the hopes it works.
lvl 70 pre-order boost: gear missing, my priest which I boosted lacks an offhand while getting a wand, and the gear also appeared to be broken.
Incarnation for balance reverts us back to the classic Moonkin form even if we’ve opted for the new Moonkin model.

Any additional bugs have been fixed that I came across.

There are quite a few rares in the ED, but I barely see any up. We’ve gone from SL rares where they were up the majority of the time with a decent spawn time, and this was the case as well in Zaralek Caverns, to having them barely up. I haven’t seen a lot during my 2 days playing in this zone.

This is also affecting the druid manuscript drops, as we’ll have to camp them for hours but the drop for them also isn’t high, which results in a lot of frustration getting these new forms. We’re not getting forms often, and our transmog isn’t noticeable in combat for 3 out of the 4 specs, so it is understandable that a lot of Druids are eager to get them, but are frustrated with how it is handled.

All in all, it seems unlikely that this has been internally tested properly, I don’t believe one bit that this patch could have gone through a proper QA control, it makes me worried for next week, when M+, PvP season and the new raid comes out.

I’m quite disappointed.


And the respawn timers are way too long, only killing blows count and credit is apparently not shared with your group.