Feedback: Elune's Chosen in The War Within

These talents look to add so much coolness to the galactic bear build! Love the idea 10/10 pewpew

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I think it might be interesting to have a ground AoE(like DKs/Pallys) that can vary in size depending on the empower level it’s cast at.
I know there’s a lot of negatives with the ground aoe, but I think it would help quickly pulling agro on encounters with heavy add spawn rates, maybe give it a smol defensive value, but nothing that you’re going to really notice if you are not standing within the aoe zone. Maybe even incorporate the mechanic of the seed from Larodar,where you place an interactable node somewhere, that allows you to manually create the size of the radius for your ground aoe; where a smol circle will have higher concentrated dps, and a large area will do the same damage overall, but spread out over the entire circle.

For the Arcane DR thing, what if that was paired with a talent called “Conduit of Elune”, in which you use rage (like Xrage/Yseconds, or Xrage/Zdmg absorbed) to power a shield which absorbs incoming magic damage, and causes you to explode/pulse arcane damage to yourself and nearby enemies from a portion of incoming magic damage while the shield is active. That way it promotes playing well to mitigate magic dmg, instead of inherently being magic resilient with little room to make rewarding plays.

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i just want to point out that “magic” isnt a issue for guardian and im unsure where this sentiment of “ebar weak to magic” came from. considering bear has the best absorb in the game on a very frequent cd. so its just a silly non issue to point our “bear weak against magic” when its actual issue is utility

It was a much bigger issue at the start of the expac, when ursocs fury was hard to find a talent point for and there were many more casts in certain dungeons.

It’s never been a problem in raid.

And yes some sort of raid utility would be great, but hopefully that wouldn’t be unique to one of the hero trees.

Im hoping we can see some really interesting guardian builds utilizing elune’s chosen. The idea of a arcane/moonfire bear is really cool.


Yes. But the concern I address is that we will very seldom benefit from this talent, especially at max stacks. At the absolute best, you might get the full 9% buff only once every 15 sec (at the start of Lunar Eclipse) if Sunfire is missing or needs to be refreshed. On average, though, it’s probably just going to be 6% every 15 sec since Sunfire doesn’t need to be refreshed as often as Eclipse cycles.

Put yourself in a sustained AoE scenario, and you’ll never cast Sunfire more than once since its duration is extended by Starfall. Considering this tree appears to lean more into builds that favor AoE or cleave with priority target damage, you’ll cast very few Wraths and Sunfires.

Also worth noting that we go into Solar Eclipse in low (2-3) target count scenarios. Lunar Calling changes that, and might even be okay to use assuming it’s a viable option to Stellar Command, but I have a hard time justifying Lunar Amplification if we don’t have a consistent or reliable way to trigger it.

I edited my original post for the sake of clarity.

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Dev 1: We made this great tree for Boomkins, but we need to pair it with another spec. What else do we toss in here?
Dev 2: I dunno, Guardian?
Dev 1: Sure! Will any Guardian ever use it?
Dev 2: Meh. Who cares.

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It arose because bears are weak to magic.

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It’s the other way atound. You get some new moon extra proc and extra % damage on garbo spells like moonfire which we can’t even spread aoe or making a long cast starfire our main nuke, as if balance druids weren’t immobile turrets enough.

And the joke 3% magic mitigation when balance druids will still have a regrowth that heals for 7% of their hp pool and rejuv and wild growth from the class tree heal for nothing, so as usual a dps caster has to sit doing nothing in a bear form with no skills besides maul and frenzied regen waiting for the healer to heal them while they do zero DPS and need to enter bear form over 10 times in a boss encounter because the spec has no defensives worth a damn.

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To be truthfully honest, the only talent that really makes me excited for this is the one that turns Thrash’s damage into Arcane just for the synergy between that and Elune’s Favor to heal us whenever we do arcane damage.

I don’t use Lunar Beam in my build and so not a fan of them trying to push me to use it. Perhaps if I wasn’t so starved for talent points I could pick it up but given how streched then points are in our talent trees I’ll just pass on that skill.

Really wish these Hero Talents actually gave us choices. If the skill they want you to use isn’t your thing it feels like there’s not much incentive to use that tree at all in hopes that a entirely different tree will suit you better. Even if you perfer X spec to Y spec overall.

Wish we had a hero spec for Resto <—> Guardian personally. I’d love to just focus on survivability and more passive bonus ally healing while tanking.


The hero talents need to grant you the talent they’re contingent on for free. It’s ridiculous that they ask you to spend in treants or full moon to make a hero tree functional.

Full Moon and treants should be baseline to balance druids anyways. The spec feels really barren without. It’s virtually 2 dots that are the same, but recolored, and wrath/starfire with a few starsurges or starfalls in between. The spec is not remotely button bloated, it’s not frost DK level of barren but it’s one of the lowest button counts rotationally, so there’s no reason why it shouldn’t have more access to rotational spells.


This is the only thing I’m excited for as well. That and the fact that any arcane damaging spells reduce the CD on lunar beam as well. So that sort synergy is nice.

Fair enough. I don’t play Boomy enough to have a real concept of it. I was looking largely from the Guardian side. This talent tree is weak, but I guess it at least has some strong Class Fantasy elements for Guardian.
I’m really hoping Druid of the Claw is 1000% better for both Guardian and Feral (my main spec) as Wildstalker is complete trash for Ferals with zero Class Fantasy.

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luckily bear got reworked twice to make this talent alot more accessable

except theyre not weak to magic, theres no magic damage in the game that is relevant enoguh to be a threat to any tank. your forgetting that bear has again the best absorb in the game to deal with “magic” if your afraid of “magic”. this really sounds like a skill issue

Except you’re wrong because Brewmasters have a very similar issue being vulnerable to sustained spell damage and periodic effects. It isn’t as much of a problem in raids as it is in M+.

There is a lot of magic damage in some of the dungeons in this expansion. Look at the Nature damage in Brackenhide, or the Arcane damage in Dawn of the Infinites. This concern is very relevant.

okay then how come bears are doing the same if not one less key levels as vdh then?
warcraftlogs com/zone/rankings/36#class=Druid&spec=Guardian
warcraftlogs com/zone/rankings/36#class=DemonHunter&spec=Vengeance

if theyre “weak to magic” this concern is not relevant at all if you know, press your buttons and use your kit correctly to deal with magic damage

Because they’re still viable? This is a poor argument. Let’s refer to top logs of all tanks and tell me exactly how many bears you see compared to others:

i see one in the top ten, your argument was “bear weak to magic and this season is full of magic” if bears were “weak to magic” how come their still doing top keys?

surely this season vdh and prot paladin majority isnt based on their huge utility kit to babysit the pepega dps with endless control or spothealing/external hitting. no noooooo its because they can defend against alll this maaagic damage. surely

im beggin you to talk to your theorycrafters and learn

So your argument is to not give Guardians (and by extension, Balance) any decent defensive or utility nodes because there is 1 bear in the top 100? How silly. Why fight AGAINST giving utility and defensives to a tank or dps that has historically lacked them? Why improve a spec at all? Doesn’t make sense.

Yeah, you must be better at bear Druid than me.