Feedback Dragonflight

Hello. Always been hard for me to find the right section for me to post anything but i’d be happy if i could reach de dev team and all the people working on this fabulous game and congratulate them for Dragonflight.
It is a fantastic expac, tons of pleasure for me as a non raider non dungeoner too…i just go throught the campaign and develop the tradeskills and love that. The reason is pretty simple: i am not a skilled player and i hate having to learn how to play dungeons and raids because of that.

Playing MMos from the start of EQ; dragonflight been my favorite expac ever. I played all available MMos from 2000 or so.
The bar is high for the dev to get us in that war within.
Congrats again for that superb expac. Keep up the good work.
Also i’d be happy to provide a few musics for future works.
All take care.