In this thread, please post any feedback you have after testing the Dragon Soul raid February 7-10.
Thank you!
In this thread, please post any feedback you have after testing the Dragon Soul raid February 7-10.
Thank you!
Issues found on the second wave of PTR not mentioned in the notes
Coming back later breaks the new gauntlet (Hagara comes before the Lieutenant and after despawning never spawns again, can’t change difficulties or reset the instance due to the message “An event is already in progress”) - prob the biggest bug we faced and had to reclear on fresh characters.
Hunters and DKs have to resummon their pets every jump on Madness platforms - did not look for retail footage but just an awful experience for those classes, didn’t seem to happen to warlocks
Although the same happened in retail Cata, tier bosses are only dropping 1 piece of extra loot in 10man, the 10man loot variance issue is extreme and DS drops even fewer items, the last BiS 2H my guild has seen doing every lockout since 2019 was 25man TOGC Faction Champions in Wrath almost 2 years ago - ICC had a deterministic legendary, we shrunk down to 2x 10mans in Cata and seen 0 from Nefarian, 0 from Ragnaros.
Rogue feedback:
It’s no secret that most rogues look forward to Dragon Soul with expectation of having a great time. Unfortunately, our best single target specs, Sub and Assa, are not able to be played on Ultraxion, the only single target boss of the raid.
Sub cannot use the following:
Assa cannot use the following:
The technology is available, as parts of Madness of Deathwing allow Backstab to be used from any angle.
Please make many rogues tiers much more enjoyable by adding an insane quality of life change
Additionally, while I don’t play a feral, this issue also completely removes their ability to play the boss. Unlike a rogue, they don’t have the ability to easily respec to circumvent their uselessness. Shred is the only ability that ferals can realistically use as a generator and are unable to.
please allow rogues to backstab on ultraxion so we can have fun on the only pure single target fight in the raid as the most fun single target rogue spec
(also feral druids)
100% But at the end of the day that is how the fight works you really think the devs will fix this and not break the game in the process?
I would hope so, it’s not a difficult fix.
I was wondering how long it would take for Ltdan to grace us with his presence.
In the OG Cataclysm PTR, Ultraxion was actually able to be backstabbed. Madness already has the technology clearly so a simple fix that would result in multiple specs being viable (poor ferals though), seems like a win win to me.
Please allow rogues/ferals to backstab on encounters like Ultraxion. It makes little sense for this limitation to stunt 2/3 specs available on one of the only single target bosses in the entire raid. The boss also has a hard DPS check and combat is the lowest single target DPS spec of the three. This will make it substantially harder for progression guilds to meet the 6 minute enrage timer. More casual players will be dead weight on that boss if they do not swap spec/glyph/enchants/gems which forces a lot of guilds to make the decision to not bring rogues in the raid tier they’re supposed to get their legendaries in.
I agree with the other comments here, there is no downside to making this change. Rogues obviously have their legendary daggers, but not doing it means that feral druids essentially cannot play the game for this boss…
As for rogues, Cata has been a pleasant reprieve from the last 4.5 years of classic where we rogues weren’t forced to play combat for a large portion of the expansion… please do not make us go back and not allow us to utilize our daggers to their full potential on the only single target fight in the tier.
Please lets rogues backstab and ambush on ultraxion. Sub is by far the best single target dps spec for rogues and with legendary daggers we don’t even get to use them on the sole singhle target fight in the raid.
Please please PLEASE let rogues backstab! The only fun spec is sub! LET US BE FREE
BACKSTAB on ultraxion pls <3
Backstab is not needed rogues have other viable specs to play.
Have yet to see one positive comment from you, it’s always your ChatGpt responses lol. Literally noone cares about your thoughts, mainly because they aren’t yours.
It adversely affects both specs that use Daggers. Which is the whole point of playing a rogue for T13 with the Legendary Daggers.
READ the tooltip of Backstab - A vicious stab from behind that deals 150% weapon damage and returns 5 energy on critical strike.
It’s literally one fight! You are crying about an ability named BACKstab, not FRONTstab. You also don’t use BACKstab until the execute phase anyway, and you have another viable spec to play for this one fight.
just flag him for trolling and move on. He’ll claim he’s not, but when he comes into literally every thread to tell everyone else the things they want aren’t needed while always crying about the things he wants, I don’t know what to call it other than trolling.
Proclaiming that I am trolling when I am stating facts backed with evidence, while also telling people to report me for “trolling,” is also a TOS violation.
Moreover, assuming someone’s gender in 2025 is not only outdated but also disrespectful. It’s crucial to engage with others based on their ideas and contributions rather than making assumptions about their identity.
Now lying about gender to try and paint a victim role. Everyone knows who you are. Noone cares. Move around little bro and lets discussions and opinions of others be had. What that means is, every discussions you partake in, is only to tell people why they are wrong, while not being able to admit your own mistakes. When did t11 start again homie? When you contribute in a positive way, maybe people will listen. A negative attitude results in negative interactions. Your desires to not have lfr, the constant need to chat gpt responses, all things the community is better off without.
But then again, thats all you seem to care for, is arguing. Again, community is better off without you.