Feedback: Diabolist Warlock in The War Within

Great to hear. I think things are good thematically, so as long as the dev team is willing to balance things per spec to make sure it maths out somewhat evenly for both specs, I think it’s mostly good overall.

That alleviates some of the concerns and sounds like a number of the problems could be resolved by tweaking some numbers.

Thanks for the clarification. It will be interesting to see how the Diabolic Ritual cadence works for Destro when shifting from Chaos Bolt to Rain of Fire as well.

Demonfire Barrage sounds cool and it would be nice to know if Shard generation is attached to the extra bolts or if this is just additional damage.

Would be cool if Ruination summoned more imps than usual, or a special demon on top of the 3 imps. Could be an infernal for both specs, since the spell does Chaos damage?

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Honestly been playing since before launch and this is one of those make it or break it points for lock again since Blizz loves to ruin locks.

As many classes warlock have goten overly complicated to “properly play” not as bad a some. But Blizz has lost sight of the focus needs to land on players skill to avoid and play fight mechanics in a raid or pvp not typing in and keeping track of advanced theroetical physics. Its why Classic, Wrath, and SoD have drawn so many from live. Times when it was more about the mechanics vs whos getting carpel tunnel. That draws away from the fights and fun. In a more streamlimd moba age of MMOs. Many were excited when Blizz anounced massive pruning and streamlined play that may or maynot happen vs adding more and more excesive garbage.

That said this new new for expac is exciting has a lot of us pumped reminds me of when there was discussions of hero classes and evolution back pre-wrath that ended up spawning deathknights off pally and demonhunter off rogue. My only hesitancy is potentially making lock more complicated, reducing the fun factor and raid potential. Right now breaking meta and going off stat weights appears to give more maximizing dps against even robot predictions. Farmers got it down though :rofl: cranking millions in oddball gear and stats. Needs to be fixed before expac. That and pleas god no crazy shards again.

Would also ask Blizz heavily consider the warlock tanks from SoD for live for expac, with more modern models though and ability to show some armor pieces like dragon classes. But was first good step blizzards made in decades.


I was thinking more adorable mini-infernals for destruction.


If Classic takes so much skill, why do almost all of the raid bosses die in 60 seconds or less? It’s an absolute fact that the first few expansions of the game were easy mode and most of the difficulty was just that people didn’t understand the game mechanics well enough.

As far as adding complexity to the rotation of warlocks, this hero class is pretty much entirely passive. It doesn’t add any new active abilities or spells, it simply augments current ones.


My initial reaction as a Demonology Warlock, this looks great!
However, I’m a little worried that NP has been included as, personally, I think Blizz should draw a line under NP and remove it from WoW. I mean, yeah, it’s a cool talent, but it’s either ridiculously overpowered or too underwhelming to be worth playing (not to mention is highly counterintuitive with the Demo play-style/rotation).
Basically, I’d think they’d be better off having one side of the talent tree for empowered demons and the other for multiple demons.

Would also like to know what the Overlord and Mother of Chaos look like and how they attack (melee or range, single or cleave?).


I think maybe your brain selectively blocked Yogg 0 and HLK. Although alot of Classic and BC bosses were just gear slogs(or did you forget to bring enough dwarf priests, f that Neltharion guy).


And I’d be down with that!

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I see many people have already brought up the Cataclysm vs Inferno issue. I’ll just add that, for pvp, it will feel extra bad needing to take Cataclysm with the current DF talent tree layout. It will require a 3 talent point investment with 2 of them being largely useless (Rain of Fire, Pyrogenics).

I’m really not a fan of tier sets “forcing” certain playstyles / talent choices. I’m disappointed to see that this design is continuing in TWW. In my opinion these new hero talents should only enhance your core rotational abilities that you always have. Ideally with procs that make rotations more dynamic / reactive and spice them up. A lot of the hero talent trees shown so far just have a bunch of passive modifiers (warlock is actually one of the best ones shown so far, though). Passive modifiers are boring design and won’t feel like anything actually changes.

My biggest suggestion would be to move away from the design of forcing certain ability choices and do better at designing and balancing the talent trees (for all specs, not just warlock). Make more stuff baseline so it doesn’t feel like we are gimping ourselves so bad in ST or AOE when focusing on one (really bad problem for Affliction).


I wouldn’t say that a couple of exceptions to literally a hundred raid bosses or so in the first 3 expansions disproves the rule. The game was just simpler due to the mechanics of the time period. I remember at the time thinking that some of the bosses were challenging, but 15 years later they are a cakewalk when it comes to complexity.

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Some feedbacks for this hero talent from a Destro Lock perspective.

  1. How will the demons summoned scaled with the Warlock’s power. Do they benefit from the Warlock’s secondary stats especially Destruction Lock’s mastery and vers etc.?

  2. Cruelty of Kerxan and Infernal Machine: Diabolic ritual is easily triggered by casting any soul shard spells. This choice node seems like a non-brainer where 100% will pick Infernal Machine. Need a redesign to this node.

  3. Flame of Xoroth: meh… needless to say more, pretty boring. Need a redesign.

  4. Abyssal Dominion: forcing us to pick a dead talent Cataclysm again… With this that’s mean picking Diabolist in M+, aoe capabilities is pretty much dead like DF S3.

  5. Gloom of Nathreza: so we going to spec Cry Havoc + this one for single target (if it works like Cry Havoc)? Interesting but Cry Havoc is also a dead talent. Need serious tuning to both node if they want us to use Havoc on ST.

  6. Capstone - Ruination: for Destro, Chaos Bolt is always critical hit, and apply Eradication. Will Ruination benefits from all talents that affect Chaos Bolt and inherit its effect (100% crit and apply Eradication)? The wild imps summoned for Destro is pretty weird since Destro has no talent that improve Wild Imps power like Demo does.

  7. Last but not least, this hero talent tree seems like pretty much focusing on ST. None of the hero talents improve our main AoE (and the only) - Rain of Fire. So see my point 4, I can only bid good luck to the Destro M+ enjoyer that pick this hero talent.

Some feedback/questions
1- will the 4 shadowbolts generate 4 shards? or is it just bonus damage

2- I really want metamorphasis back, even if its just the wings, claws, horns, and the ability to cast some spells while moving, I know demon hunters exist, but warlock metamorph has always been different in the way it comes upon doing so, why their form is a shadowy form, and not an actual transformation into a demon. Heck, even the expansion that removed metamorph from us (legion) there is multiple follower warlocks who metamorph, almost mocking you, that your followers can metamorph, but you cannot.
It was such an iconic ability for demo, and would fit quite well in a destro/demo tree cause of the spells it used (immolation aura etc)

3- Demonolgy really could use a second pet like BM hunter. a weaker one sure, but demonolgy really does feel like its just behind BM hunter in every way.


It’s not bad, not great.

There isn’t really anything that sets it above the rest. The demon summons don’t seem to do much at all, one gives you a % damage increase which is so whatever, the other one gives you a slightly better shadowbolt, we’ll see if it also generates more soul shards. And one spawns a few imps which might be decent for demo, but for destro, it’s whatever, unless they can give you soul shards when they despawn.

Abyssal dominion is pretty cool. But for destro, just please, put cata in place or pyrogenics, and inferno stays in the same place.

I guess the reduced cast time on chaos bolt is nice, but i mean… Just make avatar of destruction proc make your next bolt insta cast… Like it used to be…

The destro havoc talent is super awful, and needs to be removed.

I DO NOT want to use havoc in st! That’s not the point of the spell.

Overall, depending on how they design a few things this tree might be either just decent, or good. But not great.

To your last point: I feel like you’re failing to consider how incredibly high Destro’s Shard expenditure is in AoE. You say this does nothing for Destro in AoE, I say it’s far stronger in AoE than in ST for Destro. You’ll be spending spending shards like mad and constantly be getting new demons. And the demons themselves? While not explicit, Overlord reads like it cleaves, thus giving a 10% damage amp to multiple targets. Good for AoE. Pit Lord turns Chaos Bolt into an AoE spell, even if the AoE for it is relatively small. Mother of Chaos is certainly the least useful for AoE (and likely in general). But assuming we do generate shards from Demonfire Barrage, it will still help accelerate to the next Rain of Fire.

The only way this is bad for Destro in AoE is the pushing into Cataclysm over Inferno A point which you already addressed (though it’s kind of hilarious to me that you said in that point that AoE capabilities are “pretty much dead like DF S3” when Destro was part of MDI comps and is considered the best warlock spec in high keys. Yes, this is post buffs, but point remains that it’s not dead). That is certainly an issue as things stand right now, but it is only an issue under the assumption that Cataclysm doesn’t move at all. We’ve already seen evidence from the Colossus Warrior tree that Hero Talent designs can spark changes to the regular talent trees. While we don’t know for certain that it will change, and it’s good to bring it up, it seems likely to me at this point that there will be a change to Cataclysm’s placement.

So yeah, I’m not really buying this notion that this is bad for Destro in AoE


Diabolist first impression feedback. TL;DR Good vibes. Some potential issues that should be easily addressed well before Beta.

Echoing other comments in this thread regarding Cataclysm and Inferno. They need to be separated if hero talents are going to affect only one of them.

If Nether Portal is not getting a complete overhaul in functionality before TWW, it needs to be taken out of these talents completely. And the pit lord summoned by nether portal cannot be allowed to trigger pit lord effects from the tree.

I sincerely hope that Flames of Xoroth is a placeholder because that is not a worthy “Hero” talent.

Demonic Ritual could see the return of Soul Burn abuse which needs to be addressed before these talents are ever available for testing. Concerning Ritual specifically, I hope that casting a Chaos Bolt or Hand of Gul’dan that triggers the effect will also remove the appropriate time from the buff based on shard expenditure.

Overall, I think the idea is spectacular and it has the potential to make both specs substantially more fun to play.


Because people are mentioning about Inferno and Cataclysm i want to bring a quote from the original Hero Talent Post made by Blizzard

It is very possible that they intend for Cataclysm to be a favored talent for Diabolist instead of Inferno and as long as its properly tuned to account for the fact you are paying for 2 AOE Talents (Rain of Fire and Pyrogenics) i don’t find it such a big issue.

But introducing the possibility of picking both Inferno and Cataclysm could lead to a situation where Soul Shards for Destruction become yet again exceedingly excessive in AOE reducing even further the presence of other spells that ain’t Rain of Fire Spam.

Personally i am not much of a fan of forcing players towards a specific direction in the class/spec talent tree picking by using Hero Talents, but as far as it goes, its intended.

And as long as the effect given is sufficiently distinct to enable some semblance of balance between the choices its not such a huge issue.


Firstly, as others have said, THANK YOU! These talents look really neat and have such great flavor for the spec as a longtime Destro main. :heart:

I understand there will be iterations of Hero Talents during the design process, but due to the apparent importance of taking Cataclysm and to be honest because I have missed it in PvP for years now, I would ask for/highly suggest some minor Destro tree design changes.

  1. Rain of Fire is baseline/learned at lvl 10 for Destro.
  2. Cataclysm takes the spot of RoF.
  3. Fire & Brimstone moves to Cataclysm’s node (still a choice between Inferno/F&B).
  4. Scalding Flames jumps up to where F&B was (which makes a lot of sense as it now follows Improved Immolate).
  5. Grimoire of Sacrifice fills the Scalding Flames node, allowing much easier accessibility to this beloved talent that really fits the feeling of a Destro Warlock.

Image of the above outlined spec tree enhancements.

I know this feedback is about the spec tree, but given what the preview for Diabolist has shown us and how exciting it looks, I took the opportunity to really think about how we could “fix” some pain points in the Destro tree that many have mentioned previously: mainly RoF not being baseline and the difficulty in accessing Cataclysm. :slightly_smiling_face:


Additional feedback related to CRUELTY and Infernal Machine.

I attempted some number crunching based on some guesses on how those would work, threw it around on a spreadsheet with a Warlock with “30% Haste” and two options of openers for Demonology with NP and got some interesting results.

nº 1 - The two options of openers are 1 GCD efficient one who focus around reducing number of GCDS spend on Hand of Guldan and maximizing shards spend inside each Hand of Guldan meaning every HOG is a -3s and a Shard Spenditure Optimization where you do 1Shard Hogs, increasing number of shards spends but costing some GCD “waste” and gaining more NP procs.

This one is the GCD efficient one, in both cases NP activates Ritual as Nether Portal costs 1 shard, and due to the more GCD efficiency you end up trigger less Infernal Machines on your opening.

This result in a -6s for Cruelty in the opening against -5 of Infernal Machine, The issue is twofold.

1 - You will sometimes waste the “Tyrant Activate Ritual” effect of Cruelty and only benefit of the -3s.
2 - Infernal Machine will still have 15s after tyrant where it still active, reducing -1’s per GCD spent on shard spenders.

So this mean, Infernal Machine on the longrun should be better, while Cruelty giving you procs closer together.

Now, this is the Shard-spending opening, who sacrifices the gcd efficiency of the previous one in favor of maximizing more shard spenditure gcds (1sharding hand of guldan).

This is particularly favorable for Nether Portal, as this is how the spell works, and in this case, Infernal Machine not only will have 15s length more of active time after you cast tyrant but will also outweight the value of Cruelty from -5 versus -6 of the previous exemple to -7 versus -6.

Of course, this is on a fixed timing and to consider this effect across an entire dungeon or raid, the second tyrant at 90s and nether portal at 180s is all very much more complex than this poor attempt of mine.

But it does make me wonder what is the objective on those two effects existing when they kind of do the “same thing”.

I see that now. Was thinking along the lines of getting a talent point every other level as I wasn’t sure that they aren’t adding more talents to the left sides of our tree for utility/defense or more access to what we haven’t talented into yet, whether it’s left or right side points. But now see it’s every level and specifically points to just the hero trees. I really hope main trees get reworked to some extent as their are too many dead talents and many talents that should just be base line skills/spells.

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