Feedback: Diabolist Warlock in The War Within

its very likely cata is either going to be baseline or much easier to take in the tree, they made a post talking about Warrior’s shockwave becoming easier to access in TWW

But they haven’t said anything about warlock’s and cataclysm yet, and even if they made it baseline or far easier to get I still think there’s a big problem regarding destro’s talent tree. It’s worth bringing up imho


Very cool thematically. There seems to be a large disparity between how the two specs could take advantage of these effects unless there are spec reworks incoming too.

In single target destro builds and spends shards significantly slower than demo. A 3 shard hand of guldan is easier to build up to and faster to cast for demo than a 2 shard chaos bolt is, so demo has a much more efficient way to trigger demonic art. In aoe I imagine it evens out.

Abyssal Dominion is an incredible talent for demo and a frequently dead one for destro if cataclysm remains in its current position in the tree unless it is so overtuned that people will want to spend 3 talent points to get cataclysm in single target. It seems like it would be a failure to have any dead hero talents when they can be designed from the outset to be active no matter the underlying spec build.

Gloom of Nathreza’s havoc clause will be a nice buff to havoc cleave but it also seems like it will make havoc serve a purpose on single target. I’ve personally disliked that the destro tree is structured such that you end up just grabbing havoc on ST for pathing (to backlash) and because nothing else you could put the point in is worth it compared to the benefit of unlocking that path. I would rather that be reworked than be given a reason to press havoc in single target. For demo, this seems pretty crazy good comparatively. HoG hits are already quite a lot of damage in aoe with just the malefic impact crit/damage buff and this will be good in ST as well with 0 gameplay changes.


True. I do like the theme of the hero talents a lot, but I do have a few concerns about the talent trees and the talents that focus on optional abilities that force us into taking them.

One thing that has annoyed me is that Destruction has practically no AoE unless we specifically go out of our way to get it. Most other classes and specs have AoE built into their default rotations and abilities. If Cataclysm became baseline, that would help a lot and it would remove some of the worry about limiting our choices.

However, there are a few issues with some dead talents in the middle of the Destruction tree and we end up going with whatever takes the fewest talent points to get from early to end. Most of our builds look similar with the exception of dropping 3 talent points from single target to get our required 3 points in AoE on the right.


afflic also needs this

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Overall, I think the combination of demon summoning through ritual of ruin destruction style shard spending is fine and I think these talents are thematically solid. But I do have a few concerns about overall performance.

  • I don’t think shard expenditure for Demonology vs Destruction are very even unless it’s large AoE scenarios where destruction can pump out Rain of Fire. In single target, I feel like Destruction would lag behind considerably.

  • Will Destruction have to sacrifice 3 talent points to get Cataclysm for single target encounters? Rain of Fire and Pyrogenics are completely useless outside of large AoE. That feels like a significant penalty.

  • The final capstone talent looks good, but summoning wild imps as destruction feels a bit off? Will those wild imps be able to be used by Implosion for Demonology? Will the imps be buffable? Destruction has no way to interact with them while Demonology may which could cause an imbalance.


First of all I’d like to say thank you for adding the tidbit of flavour text to bind the hero talents to the class specs - it’s much appreciated.

The most obvious issue is that Diabolical Ritual will expire slower for destruction. Therefore demonology will get a greater reward from this gameplay. This issue is amplified by the fact that the demons summoned are on a cycle, meaning destruction will not reach the capstone as frequently, potentially consistently dipping into the first summon. Infernal Machine and Cruelty of Kerxan need to impact destruction further to balance the disparity in gameplay between the specs.

Anyone doing PvP or single target is not spending points in Cataclysm. It needs to be baseline.

Mother of Chaos should be Shadowfire, as exclusively shadow makes no sense for destruction using the proc on incinerate.

Infernal Vitality needs to be a higher % or over a shorter period to be impactful.

Infernal Bulwark doesn’t appear as impactful as Infernal Vitality.

Again, Annihilans Below doesn’t seem as impactful as Soul Etched Circles, the latter being really nice.

Flames of Xoroth should be fire and chaos damage.

Gloom of Nathreza is good for destruction, giving Havoc a purpose beyond cleave.

Touch of Rancora appears really good for PvP as destruction and chaos bolt burst, to the point where you will want to cycle Diabolical Ritual just to get to it as frequently as possible. It is ironically better for single target than all the pets other than overlord… when combined with Cloven Souls it is great for the current destruction burst - possibly the most exciting thing about the whole tree for destruction, IMO.

Ruination needs to take on the properties of the spell it replaces when it procs. If it has it doesn’t, and it is weak, then it makes the capstone a disadvantage to play. For destruction it needs to have an advantage over using chaos bolt in any rotation. By taking on the mechanics of the proccing spell it won’t feel as though destruction is losing out on using it for single target, and that demonology is gaining what is essentially a cleave chaos bolt.

Finally, I don’t see the point to the imps from Ruination for destruction.

All in all I think the entire kit is good for Demonology but half of it does not fit well for destruction. The ways destruction can reduce the time of the buff need to be more impactful when triggered. Every talent needs to be as impactful to destruction as demonology, otherwise people who play destruction will not play Diabolist.

I personally would not play Diabolist in its current iteration unless other options were worse. 60 seconds of trying to reduce a buff to get through the demon cycle is not exciting, especially with how slow it currently appears for destruction.


Overall this tree is much better than expected and I am quite happy with how it turned out. But it has also generated a lot of questions that clarification would be great. I am aware these will eventually be discovered in the beta but I want to ask these questions to bring to light possible concerns/issues/oversights this tree may have, as well as general feedback.

The tree strongly feels like it was made for Demonology and was given to Destruction, somewhat as an afterthought to a certain degree. I don’t really think this is a bad thing (pending tuning), the 3 specs are incredibly different and might as well be different classes. So if the approach is to have each tree primarily based around one spec with some touch-ups from its companion spec that is perfectly reasonable.

Diabolic Ritual
Since this ability triggers from a shard spender, this may encourage using Soulburn (primarily on Demonology due to its shard gen) to trigger the cycle earlier and not have its 3 shard HoG lose out on “CDR” value on the Ritual’s duration. This could also encourage 1-2 shard HoG’s for that reason. Any shards spent triggering the cycle is shards that could have been spent reducing the duration of that cycle. It would be creat to see the trigger event also be taken into account for the starting duration of the buff.

There are some concerns with pre-pull shenanigans. Cast a Soulburn pre-combat and you start the cycle sooner and can net an extra summon. Since Overlord is the first summon (bless that its on a cycle and not RNG), this may not be worth it but the possibility is definitely very real. Although for extreme min-maxing, you would want to have a very long prepull opener to rotate through the demons so you open with the strongest one.

Due to Cloven Souls, Demonology and Destruction will want to delay cooldowns to line up with these windows if it will not cost them a cast during that fight. Is this intended gameplay?

Will the summons (in combination with their respective nodes) differ in power? Is there an intent to have them in line with each other or are you fine with one having a noticeable gain on another.

Destruction’s shard gen is much lower in ST but also MUCH higher in AoE, is this a concern to how the cycle durations will pan out between the two specs especially since summons synergize more with Demonology due to SacSouls and its Mastery, primarily? Additionally, will Pit Lord benefit from Nerz’hul’s Violation?

From a flavor point of view, can we expect these pets to be there for a while and have pet unique attacks or are they gonna be melee/single cast spam focused + their node.

Can this spell be cancel aura’d? Main concern with this is lining up with damage amp windows, especially if the summons are powerful. Additionally, if it can be cancel aura’d will that spawn a summon? I highly doubt this is the case, but want to make sure all the grounds are covered.

Soul-Etched Circles
This is a neat talent but it does not belong in this tree. Due to Soulburn’s current design flaw (working off Soul Shards), Demonology has much more liberty in its use as it can generate shards with ease in raid. Thus, this talent is much more desired for the Affliction/Destruction trees.

It would be nice to have something more in line with the tree as well (pet focus). So maybe something like pet leech heals you? Or if your pet dies its summon cast time is reduced by x%?

Annihlan’s Below
I honestly don’t see this talent seeing any use? Maybe this is a PvP thing.

Flames of Xoroth
This node also fails to match the vibe of the rest of the tree to me. Primarily from a feel point of view. Base damage mods are not very interesting, but a similar result can be achieved with a more flavorful approach. I’m not really sure of an exact solution but to give an idea of what I mean. Back in Shadowlands (iirc), imps were given a 6th bolt. This could have just been a 25% damage increase but a 6th bolt is much more valuable. Firstly, your imps live longer so you feel their presence more. Secondly, it interacts with the Demonology kit more via SacSouls.

Touch of Rancora
This should be whitelisted for HoG, CB, and RoF, only. It could lead to some very unfun desire to delay your Tyrant setup so that your GfG gets this buff or delaying Dogs for it. Also has the possibility of you AFKing if your Dogs are about to come off cooldown (assuming you are shard capped) since 30% buff to Dogs is much larger than HoG.

I assume based on NP’s behavior this should only buff the first summon, but this is another thing worth keeping an eye out for.

Cruelty of Kerxan/Infernal Machine
The damage disparity between these two at a glance is huge.
Firstly, if you already have a Diabolic Ritual active are you just missing out on part of its bonus? Secondly, 3s reduction isn’t that much. Infernal Machine will likely give you much more “CDR”, especially as Destruction with the bonus shards from Infernal. Additionally, Nether Portal already will activate the ritual, so all its benefiting from is the 2nd half.

A concern with Infernal Machine is that the additional seconds reduction isn’t based on shard count. So a 1 or 2 shard HoG will benefit more from this talent. A 1 shard HoG will give you 2s of reduction per shard spent but a 3 shard HoG will only give 1.33s of reduction per shard spent. Could possibly have some Soulburn influence too?

Abyssal Dominion
Pushing us to a 1.5min damage profile is super unfortunate to hear. 1/2 min profiles are generally more desirable and Dogs line up cleaner with 1min Tyrants compared to the necessary holding you need to do with 1.5min Tyrants. Additionally having our “big CDs” happening everytime is not that great imo. I much prefer the alteration between basic Tyrants and a stronger CD wave with GfG’d Tyrants. Also to add this kills GWD, especially in Tyrant’s current state.

Making our CD longer also isn’t very interesting, I would have much rather seen a damage buff to GfG or make Immutable Hatred apply to it even if not talented into it (although this is very much a ST oriented approach).

As for Destruction, I’m not the biggest fan of tying this to a funnel/AoE talent. But I also don’t know what core spell you could tie this to without adding a every x cast procs the effect type of situation. Which honestly I’m fine with. And yes the Demo node is also tied to a talent but that talent has always been taken in every situation. Having Cataclysm repositioned to be easier to take would be greatly appreciated to maximize the gain this talent can give.

The effect of this talent is neat though. Nothing gameplay impacting off the top of my head but visually nice.

If this is a combination of Chaos Bolt’s damage with HoG’s imp spawning effect, this is neat. But based on how this reads it seems like this converts the spell instead of casting itself in addition to the base spell. Which makes me wonder, will this work off of HoG/CB talent modifiers? Will this always Crit like CB does?
Edit: If this ability ends up being a big hitter for Demo, are we gonna want to Soulburn (assuming Dogs/GfG/VF are on CD which are not reliable casts tbh) to proc the next Ritual so that we can utilize Touch of Rancora to buff Ruination? This is, of course, assuming the ability is a spender and not a free ability.

My biggest concern however, how does this work with Havoc? If you have two spread targets am I losing out on damage now since Ruination is an AoE spell and won’t havoc?
Also I really hope its base cast time is 1.5s (2s is fine too) and not like CB, lets keep the long casts out of Demo please :smiley:

Mother of Chaos
Is Destruction also gonna cast Shadowbolt or will it get a barrage of Incinerates? Just to clarify that a misstype didn’t occur. Also if its Shadowbolts will this give both Demo and Destro 4 shards? How does this interact with FnB for Destruction since it seemingly takes over the spell?

Gloom of Nathreza
This talent fails in the same way as Flames of Xoroth. It doesn’t really fit the tree very well. The Demonology effect is essentially just a buff to HoG’s core behavior. And the Destruction effect is very unliked in my eyes. Casting Havoc in ST isn’t a great feeling, the legendary back in Legion wasn’t well-liked and being forced to take Havoc on ST due to design flaws in the Destruction talent tree isn’t well liked.

Sorry this was a long read, but there were a lot of points to cover o7
I know a lot of these will be discovered in the beta, but I wanted to highlight some possible issues to get feedback out ASAP in case some of the concerns are a reality of the spell’s behavior.
Overall, happy with the tree :smiley:
Also thank you to Malacath as we worked on a lot of these points together <3


I like the theme and flow of this Hero talent tree. We won’t know how it interacts with the regular talent tree until we hear about any changes that we (hopefully) will get for TWW.

I’ll echo the Destro needs a more solid way to reduce the effect so it lines up better with what Demo can produce. Based on what they said about warrior talent positioning I wouldn’t be surprised if Cataclysm is moved as a choice node with RoF while some interaction with Cata is added to Inferno.

I’m really hopeful that the capstone is a placeholder and something more unique and fitting for both specs is put in place. As it stands it’s a maybe free 3 shard HoG for Demo and a weird borrowing of a spell for Desto that doesn’t interact with the imps so they’d just kinda be there.


lots of great points here 1+

If they’re cyclical then some of the further talents are going to be wasted because the talent is tied to one specific greater demon.

Seems weird to tie the capstone to the Pitlord given that he’s only proc’ing every 3rd time. The capstone should be an epic ability tied to all 3. There should be a Pitlord-related talent in the same line as the Overlord and Mother of Chaos line.

The middle line seems OP compared to the others … especially the talent that actually decreases the time of your Ritual. Means the Overlord and Mother of Chaos will be “meh, boring extra damage” without anything interesting to them like the two talents in the first row.

Shame cause the barrage of shadowbolts is the most interesting talent in the tree imo. The only one we’ll actually “see” and notice.

Also concerned about the disparity of shard gen scaling between the two specs. Maybe the developers are fine with a tree ending up great on destro just for AoE, and demo for ST.

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At first, i think i need to congratulate the team this is one of the best hero talents thus far, congratulations.

The Diabolist Hero Talent description posses some of the more interesting perks and traits revealed so far, and a very cool description of what it is about.

There is a lot of things i want to say, some bad, some good, a few questions but i must say this is a very awesome description for the Hero Talent.


Given the description utilized as a Warlock who wield the power of the remnants of the Burning Crusade i believe it is possible to have quite a few better names, specially given our control of the Dreadscar armies.

To Compensate, the team did a great job with Mother of Chaos and Overlord.


As far as an initial trait goes this is an interesting trait, it feels very “Overlord of an Demon Army” to summon mighty temporary demons.

Among the initial perks revealed so far this is very flavorfull albeit a bit on the passive side and that is fine.

I have a few concerns towards it.

  • The possibility that you can Cancel Aura the buff to better control when it will trigger can be a bit of a daunting minmax and something i hope isn’t possible.
  • The way it works might create some odd interactions with Soulburn and 20s prepulls for an instant proc on pull.
  • I hope the 3 Demons you can possibly summon are actual pets who have some amount of presence and not simply a cool animation that happens and then vanish.
  • Diabolic Ritual have a bit of a design conflict with Nether Portal, as one wants you to spend shards with as few gcd as possible (as the effect is per shard) and the other is per GCD(meaning 1-sharding is better than 2/3sharding hog)

The impression i have from the description is that you summon one of them, and like Dreadstalkers they perform their “special ability” but afterwards they hang around doing some cast or auto-attacks this would be a lot cooler than just an animation who lasts 2-3s.

Touch of Rancora

Great name, Great Talent, i would only have one observation for this.

Demonology have other Soul Shard spenders beyond Hand of Guldan, to name them: Call Dreadstalkers, Grimoire Felguard and Nether Portal, if those work with Touch of Rancora this might introduce an additional level of complexity to the Perk, potentially force people to delay certain casts or bursts so you Touch of Rancora Grimoire of Felguard or Dreadstalkers and not Hand of Guldan.

I would suggest to retext the tooltip, and limit it to only Hand of Guldan (and the Wild Imps from it/Implosion from those), Chaos Bolt, Shadowburn and Rain of Fire make it simpler and less troublesome for people to play around it.

Flames of Xoroth

I say this in a respectfull way, but on a tree with so many interesting ideas the impression i have is that the ideas started to end around this talent design.

I believe the Perks in the Hero Talent should directly or indirectly link itself to the theme of the Hero Talent and its previous perks, and right now, this don’t do either of those very well.

It’s a bit sad for me to say this on a Talent Tree who i overall love, but this Talent Perk in particular is not something i would hope for a Hero Talent, maybe there is the possibility of something with similar low levels of powers but more thematic and flavorfull, after all, Xoroth is a very lore-rich plane.

Maybe further synergies around the Overlord given Cloven Souls existence in the same Line, maybe something Themed around Portal Keeper Hasabel in the form of a minor but interesting effect.

One weird idea could be to bring some Dimensional Rift synergies for the Hero Talent centered around the talents based on Demonic Worlds (Nathreza, Rancora and Xoroth).

Even something small impact but with strong flavors around Xoroth can make this a much more liked and non forgetable trait.


This is another Perk who i have similar feelings of the ones in Flame of Xoroth.

Overall, both talents diverge from the identity of the Hero Talent of being a “wielder of the remants of the Burning Legion Power” and are more flat, unflavored effects.

Nathreza is all about Drearlords, and seeing it only be as damage % increase to Hand of Guldan or as a cursed introduction of single target Havoc isn’t something i hoped for.

I don’t mean in the sense of power, power is adjustable and ever changing, but a memorable effect is forever, even to this day, people still remember talents the ones who allow for Wild Imps who ride Dreadstalkers or Thal’kiel Consumption or Thal’kiels Discord.

Summoning a Nathrezeen in a similar way to how Abyssal Dominion summons a Overfiend would be an incredibly epic visual proc.


Currently this talent is nowhere close to the levels of power that Infernal Machine Offers, maybe i am missing the big picture as this is purely concept base feedback (no gameplay, so i assume you can only have 1 Ritual at once), but a 3s reduction on Nether Portal and Demonic Tyrant seems a bit underwhelming compared to an extra 1s reduction per GCD on effects who last 15s/30s on a 60~180s CD depending on talent choices.

Even if we consider tunning changes, both talents end up working relatively similar to each other, maybe having one of them offer a different interaction would be more interesting for gameplay decision making.

I would note that Nether Portal is already a Shard Spender and should be able to trigger Diabolic Ritual even without it selected, or does this talent means those abilities trigger an additional Diabolic Ritual?.


This per is a bit hard to judge, does it create a different/better version of Hand of Guldan for Demo and Chaos Bolt for Destro or Mesh Them together? current tooltip looks like an ability mesh.

  • Giving Wild Imps for both would be a bit odd given Destruction gains Wild Imps, pets who they have no major particular use.

  • Hand of Guldan is naturally an AOE spell, but Chaos Bolt is a single target does current tooltip only cover the Hand of Guldan version or this mean its a mash and Chaos Bolt gains Hand of Guldan properties?

  • IF this is an “ability mash” of HOG and CB does it mean CB gains Hand of Guldan cast speed and Hand of Guldan CB’s spellpower coefficient? or Chaos Bolt will get a different tooltip and spellid for Ruination version of itself?

  • What is the Shard cost for this spell as Hand of Guldan is a 1 to 3 shards and Chaos Bolt is a 2 shard? don’t think its free as it lacks a tooltip, but i cold see this as either 1 or 2 shards but with the effect of “CB + 3shardHOG”.

  • With that said, does this synergize with Hand of Guldan Talents for Demo or Chaos Bolt talents for Destro?

  • Does Ruination have the always crit component of Chaos Bolt?

I enjoy this talent but those are my doubts on it.


Like Ruination i assume this is a “fusion” of Shadow Bolt and Incinerate and as such i assume its a fusion of the best elements of both, but it could also be just an upgraded version of Shadow Bolt Demo and Upgraded version of Incinerate for Destro while tooltip missing the Destro version?

Shard Generation - Does it generate soul shards like Shadowbolt or like Incinerate? generating 4 Soulshards could be very powerfull and a cool idea to benefit Destro a bit more in a tree who overly benefits Demonology.

Synergies - Does it synergizes with Talents for Shadow bolt or incinerate? like Fire and Brimstone for Destro or Sacrificed Souls for Demo?

Given the clarifications provided today (02/28/2024), my questions towards the talent are solved.

Overall, its a nice talent effect to give.


The Diabolist looks a bit more geared towards the Demonology Warlock than the Destruction ones, but its overall a cool concept who should work well with both specs.

I Love the idea of summoning more demons and can’t wait to be able to test those in the Beta Servers, most of the talent tree have some ideas and designs who should be memorable and build upon the fantasy of the spec.

I am aware there are concerns towards a higher increase in complexity and rotation/button bloat who leads towards more passive/play by itself Hero Talents, but i would consider that some level of player expression is also a positive thing (like the Current Demonology Tierset and the spreading of demonbolts)

The only two big exceptions for me are Flames of Xoroth and Gloon of Nathreza who do look a bit lacking in terms of Flavor.

But, overall, this Hero Talent increased my hopes for Hellcaller and Soul Harvester even if they don’t have very cool names.

Feedback wrote in collaboration with Sumerwl.

  • Malacath.

I want to say thank you for the work and effort put into the Diabolist hero talent tree.
I like the theme as a shared hero talent tree between both destruction and demonology.

  1. The common theme seems to be around soul shard spending, and demonology gets a benefit here as they spend shards faster than destruction. Not sure if this is going to be a good thing for destruction.
  2. Please allow demonfire barrage to be castable while moving.
  3. Havoc being a maintenance buff for destruction for an increase in Single Target damage will be annoying - not sure this will go over well.
  4. Soul-Etched Circles → I like the theme here. On another note, when is soulburn + instant cast battle resurrection going to be a thing? I would like to see charges added to demonic circle: teleport here as well.
  5. Annihilan’s Bellow → I like the theme around Howl of Terror. On another note, warlocks have a talent that make their fear no longer run in fear but be feared in place. Can we have this for Howl of Terror here in this talent.
  6. Abyssal Dominion → I like that felguard is being reduced by 30 seconds. Please keep that. I like cataclysm summoning an overfiend → now just put cataclym in a more optimal position in the class tree that is not a choice node.
  7. Ruination → I kind of dig it. Please keep it.

Overall I love the theme of this tree and am excited to get my hands on it to try it out. I think the core mechanic, Diabolic Ritual, is a good mix of the current Demo 4set (I love this set) and Full Moon Boomie talent with the cycling through demons that increase in strength.

Issues for me:


This is a minor point but I’d love to see the Destruction version summon portals around the player akin to our Dimensional Rift. Damage could be the same as imps but it fits so much better with Destructions themes and I absolutely love the Dimensional Rift visual and would love to see it used more often.

In the alternative, maybe have a Fel Lord get summoned in melee like the Demo PVP talent. Have him plant with a big axe for AOE and bring the stun effect for nonbosses. This would fit both specs better and be a great visual.

Annihilian’s Bellow:

Would prefer to see Howl get a target cap increase. Five is far too small for m+ purposes.

Demonfire Barrage:

Warlock, especially Destruction, suffers tremendously from movement. Especially in a m+ environment. I hope this is a channel that can be casted on the move akin to Penance.

Flames of Xoroth:

Fairly uninspired and bland node. Feels out of place in a field of nodes that are mostly exciting thematically and in their gameplay mechanics.

9/10 though. Very excited!

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100% agree that it should be brought up until addressed. I do hope it’s moving baseline though as that’s been a consistent request and our talent tree is entirely too bloated at the moment.


Speaking from the PoV of a Destruction Warlock I have to say I am not thrilled with this, at all. As Destruction we already have very limited demonic interactions as it is (we probably wouldn’t even have our pet out at all if Grimoire of Sacrifice wasn’t in such an awkward place on the talent tree) with Infernal really being the only one and of course it’s a lengthy major cooldown. This Hero Tree has potential to change that but the limited and cyclical nature doesn’t appeal to me. The Warlock fantasy has always been to be able to control a greater demon like a Pit Lord and I don’t think I speak only for myself when I say that being able to live that fantasy during the green fire quest chain was one of the most epic things I’ve ever done in WoW.

What I would rather see from a Warlock Hero Tree focused on summoning demons is the ability to summon whatever type of demon we want (Felguard, Doomguard, Pit Lord, etc) and assign to it whatever ability we need for a particular encounter rather than be forced to summon different demons to fill different roles. Personally, I find Imps way too whimsical to the point of being immersion breaking and Voidwalkers just make absolutely no sense from a lore perspective because they’re not demons at all but rather void aberrations.


Wow, Blizz you’ve finally listened after all these years!!! I get to be a very powerful master summoner finally.

Good, wasn’t just me that saw that. I was trying to figure out where the “Destro” part of it came in.


A few things.

The biggest pink elephant in the room is shard spend disparity. This alone makes the tree monumentally better for demo than it is for destro. if destro was changed to ‘generate or spend a soul shard’ instead of just spending, they would be much more in line in terms of how often one of the unique demons pops out.

Second is that the tree for destro is also dead unless cataclysm becomes baseline in war within for the spec.

Also the capstone for demo is very poor, really not much more than a renamed hand of guldan. If there was more of a warp effect - ie for demo it becomes more of a chaos bolt that also summons imps, it would fit the niche better.