Feedback: Diabolist Warlock in The War Within

Additional feedback related to CRUELTY and Infernal Machine.

I attempted some number crunching based on some guesses on how those would work, threw it around on a spreadsheet with a Warlock with “30% Haste” and two options of openers for Demonology with NP and got some interesting results.

nº 1 - The two options of openers are 1 GCD efficient one who focus around reducing number of GCDS spend on Hand of Guldan and maximizing shards spend inside each Hand of Guldan meaning every HOG is a -3s and a Shard Spenditure Optimization where you do 1Shard Hogs, increasing number of shards spends but costing some GCD “waste” and gaining more NP procs.

This one is the GCD efficient one, in both cases NP activates Ritual as Nether Portal costs 1 shard, and due to the more GCD efficiency you end up trigger less Infernal Machines on your opening.

This result in a -6s for Cruelty in the opening against -5 of Infernal Machine, The issue is twofold.

1 - You will sometimes waste the “Tyrant Activate Ritual” effect of Cruelty and only benefit of the -3s.
2 - Infernal Machine will still have 15s after tyrant where it still active, reducing -1’s per GCD spent on shard spenders.

So this mean, Infernal Machine on the longrun should be better, while Cruelty giving you procs closer together.

Now, this is the Shard-spending opening, who sacrifices the gcd efficiency of the previous one in favor of maximizing more shard spenditure gcds (1sharding hand of guldan).

This is particularly favorable for Nether Portal, as this is how the spell works, and in this case, Infernal Machine not only will have 15s length more of active time after you cast tyrant but will also outweight the value of Cruelty from -5 versus -6 of the previous exemple to -7 versus -6.

Of course, this is on a fixed timing and to consider this effect across an entire dungeon or raid, the second tyrant at 90s and nether portal at 180s is all very much more complex than this poor attempt of mine.

But it does make me wonder what is the objective on those two effects existing when they kind of do the “same thing”.