Feedback: Demon Hunters

Morgan Day commented about this, and basically said that throughout T-Dubs they plan to add more visual effects, but not necessarily before release. So some hero talents will be all “WOW & flashy” and others will get there… eventually.

Q: “Hero Talents are one of the premier features of TWW with some of the specs having some fairly stunning visuals attached to these new spells and abilities while others it’s a bit more subdued. Will we see additional visuals coming to those specs with fewer new animations?”

A: “Hero Talents are an evergreen addition to World of Warcraft. The same way that we might revisit some existing class spells to bring them up to modern standards, we totally plan to revisit Hero Talents and add some additional polish in future War Within patches.”

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Oh good to know! Thanks for the TLDR; I confess I did not follow the whole interview.

I really do hope you have learned from this and that in the future if there are time sensitive restrictions such as this that you send out more alpha invites to people to make sure you are getting feedback for each spec before it is too late. Also this is a VERY long post but it touches on both hero trees slightly and goes into several points for the havoc spec tree which need to he addressed, plus a couple of things for the class tree, as the hero trees arent the only thing that need some love.

Aldrachi Reaver (havoc):

As most people here have pointed out with the rotational complexity it adds, Aldrachi Reaver makes havoc dh feel actively WORSE to play than it does in dragonflight (something i am sure hero trees are trying to avoid). Many people in the havoc disc, including influential people, are talking about completely rerolling classes if things continue like this. While things like a way to suck up souls from a distance or changing reaver’s glaive to work off generated souls instead of gathered souls can make it feel partially less bad, at this point it seems like most people just wish it had been completely reworked from the ground up (which again, we didn’t have representation in alpha). Additionally, though significantly less important at this time, the visuals are very lackluster. The only change is reaver’s glaive which is very easy to miss. Changing the appearence of souls in some way, or changing your appearence as ypu gain souls could be a cool effect to make you remember that you actually acrivated a hero tree.

Fel-Scarred (havoc):

Mostly fine design-wise, a bit bland but after reaver that’s ok. The main problems currently is that it is massively undertuned compared to reaver, it very heavily wants most of the bottom gate (KYE, CoH, Chaotic Disp, AFI, AMN, inertia, ragefire…), and somehow has even more lackluster visuals. When fel-scarred was first added most people’s initial reactions were “oh the visuals arent added yet, ok” but apparently they were. I honestly can’t even see the demonsurges most of the time because of immolation aura or any number of other effects going on, and i know exactly when they will happen and am actively looking for them. To anyone else im just playing dragonflight havoc, no hero talent visually. Meanwhile you have other classes summoning barrages of meteors, laser beams, the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse… There are 3 main visual fixes I can think of. 1 is obviously updating the visual effects of the abilities that now get empowered in meta. Another is to alter the demon form and make it even more demonic, possibly becoming more demonic with each demonsurge. Lastly, additional demonic features could be present outside of demon form when talented into fel-scarred. Not saying all of these have to be implemented, just some ideas I’ve seen thrown around.

Havoc spec tree (this needs love too, not just aldrachi):

Cycle of Hatred: this feels really bad any time we take essence break (which is most of the time), as any downtime or slightly too much/little haste causes eye beam and essence break to desync. Either making CoH a flat 10s/20s eye beam cdr node or making it effect both eye beam and essence break (like anger management for warriors) would fix this issue.

Essence break: tbf getting rid of any of the short damage amp windows would help, but i’m focusing on essb since it’s what a lot of people struggle with and/or dislike. I’m not saying completely throw it out, but slightly redesign it. Rather than having all blade dances and chaos strikes for the next 4 seconds do increased damage, making it so that your next 2 blade dances & chaos strikes within 20 seconds do a larger amount of increased damage would not only make it feel less restrictive in our rotation but allow for more adjustment in tuning it later on since it would be independent of haste.

Accelerated Blade, Furious Throws, Serrated Glaive, and Soulscar: Having to spend 4 talent points to get an extra button in your rotation that does just ok damage is a definite weak point of the tree. Without the s3/4 df tierset it is just not worth it. Serrated glaive might be taken but solely for the chaos strike damage. If throw glaive is to remain a rotational option, then either some of the power of these talents (like accelerated/serrated glaive) needs to be baked into throw itself or the DF s3 tierset needs to be worked into the tree in some way.

Eye Beam: it’s technically a talent so im including it, eye beam does almost no damage. This makes the damage amp of blind fury or Looks Can Kill feel like bait or underwhelming, as even with them eye beam amounts to less damage than a fel devastation from collective anguish. The tank version of eye beam that is supposed to be more defensive does more damage than eye beam in the dps spec, and it is NOT because fel dev does too much.

Fel barrage: it was redesigned and then promptly nerfed into obscurity again so that we dont even use it in aoe, and currently it is not looking like either hero tree will either. If you want us to use it, let us use it, otherwise put something else in its place (like the df s3 tier for throwing glaives).

A Fire Inside: this isn’t a design/tuning issue, but a pathing one. At the moment it is fine because we always take KYE anyway, but something to think about if that node gets changed or moved. Why is AFI on the opposite side of the tree from growing inferno, burning wound, and ragefire? It makes no sense.

Class tree (short but i might edit to add more later):

Darkness: this being in the bottom gate with all of the dps options has always felt strange, but not impossible to get. With aldrachi wanting all of the sigil synergy now, it is much more difficult. It is very similar to how warriors in dragonflight had to choose between massive damage, massive damage, massive damage, or shockwave. We are being put in the same position of having to choose massive damage or a potentially large group defensive. Please adjust the position of darkness so that we are choosing between utility options, not between damage and utility.

Vengeful Retreat: There is absolutely no reason this shouldnt also remove roots. The majority of non-DHs already think it does anyway because disengage does. It wouldn’t even be broken since we would have to hold an important 20s damage button just to break a root. Demon hunters are by far, no contest, the class that is the most negatively effected by roots but has absolutely no way to break them. The hunt, fel blade, fel rush, meta, and vengeful retreat simply do not work if you are rooted even if you are in melee range. I suppose another solution would be to make those abilites still pressable but keep you rooted in place. Another option would be to have the intial burst of immo aura “burn away” roots, which may be too powerful but again no other class even comes close to being effected as negatively by roots as havoc does (this coming from someone who plays multiple melee specs).


Will we have a real choice between hero talents, or is it only the ‘illusion of choice’ with that choice predetermined by seasonal tier sets? Fel-Scarred looks more fun, but VDH tier will push us hard to play Aldrachi. Is it Blizz’s intention to make this choice for us each season?

Hi, it’s me again.

As always, this is for Havoc and Aldrachi.

Sigils and Cycle of Hatred:

The more I play Aldrachi – with the current iteration – the more I find myself wishing Sigils were not on cooldown – specifically Sigil of Spite, for reliable soul generation as well as lining up with a burst window (Essence Break/Eye beam).

The two solutions I can think of are:

  • Sigil Mastery PvP talent just be made baseline. This would bring Sigil of Spite to 45 seconds, lining up with Eye Beam and Essence Break.

  • As for the second, Cycle of Hatred is criminally underutilized.

With the aforementioned change being made to Sigil Mastery, why not just add Essence Break, along with Sigil of Spite to it?

This just seems like the missing piece of the puzzle to pull things together, along with a way to consume/absorb souls (Spirit Bomb for Havoc).


  • Hero Talents
    • Fel-Scarred

      • Demonsurge damage increased by 25%. Now doubles its damage against your primary target

      • Burning Blades damage changed from an over-time effect to a single burst effect. Now calculated based on pre-mitigation damage.

      • Untethered Fury now increases haste based on the amount of fury spent in the past 6 seconds, by 1% per 10 fury spent, up to a cap of 10%.

    • Aldrachi Reaver

      • All talent magnitudes reduced by 50%.
      • Note: We would really rather not fix this tree. It’s bad. We know
    • Havoc

      • Fixed an issue that allowed trinkets and cantrip effects to benefit from Know Your Enemy.

      • Know Your Enemy increased from 40/80% to 50/100%.

      • Any Means Necessary increased from 80% to 100%.

      • Chaos Strike damage increased by 5%.

      • Blade Dance damage increased by 5%.

      • The Hunt damage increased by 5%.

      • Immolation Aura damage increased by 5%.

      • Essence Break damage amplification increased from 80% to 100%.

You’re welcome, this is a good starting point for next week. :slight_smile:


Everything atrayen said but also remove demonic


Fel-scarred needs its actual hero talent effect visuals and KYE and AMN need to be baselined to the class and fel barrage moved to replace AMN.

It is unreasonable we need to pay capstone talent points to have a mastery that isn’t our worst stat and for our autocrit eyebeams to benefit from crit while destruction warlocks and ele shamans get these bonuses for free.

The tuning for Shattered Destiny is horrendous and it has been a dead talent for 2 expansions straight, Essence Break and AMN are strangling build and playstyle variety because these are mandatory for parts of our kit to have functional stat scaling.

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Can’t speak to any of this, just noticed we haven’t had literally any changes since the start of Alpha and we’re drowning right now, so I wanted to give Blizzard the bare minimum to work with, you know?


It seems like most of alpha and beta went to mage/warlock/DK/priest development, now some hunter changes, and the rest of the classes were put on the backburner.

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Unholy sims for 1.5m right now. Havoc sims for 850k with 3 ilevel higher. Thank you Blizzard, very cool.

The Changes on Tuesday did nothing to address the problem ALMOST EVERYONE HAS BEEN ASKING FOR, which is to


All the changes were, move talents around and make it more readable and buffing up the damage. Making it more pushed for Havoc to play as it’s probably doing much much more damage than Felscarred.


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At this point I would simply gut Aldrachi since no one (and I mean no one) likes it and buff Fel Scarred to the moon.


I like it, it just needs a few things fixed.

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I do like the fantasy that Aldrachi Reaver is trying to aim for, demon hunters specialized on glaives and not relying that much on their demon side, however I agree that the gameplay feels painful, and the fact that blizzard its just buffing numbers and not changing the way how we access those upgrades on combat shows that they aren’t paying that much attention.

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Yes please.

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I would suggest giving it the Templar tree “For Whom the Bell Tolls” talent treatment, which causes the increased damage to be reduced for each additional enemy struck past 1. That way we don’t have a second situation like Isolated Prey where anytime a boss spawns a tiny bug add it nukes our prio damage.
(Edit just realized you said against primary target, not single target, but this is also an option depending on how they want to tune the numbers)

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Please redesign Aldrachi Reaver. I’m sure it’s too late now before release, but slate it for 10.0.5 or something. The tree is terrible. I like the idea of being a glaivemaster, but the execution is just awful and almost the entire DH playerbase unanimously agrees on that. The fact that it, when paired with the S1 tier, also forces Vengeance to forego SpB entirely feels abysmal. Spirit Bomb is such a core part of the VDH rotation and adds complexity to it, removing it entirely makes the spec feel awful. Honestly considering swapping mains because of this, paired with likely being forced into Aldrachi for serious content.

As for other issues:

Vengeance was largely ignored during the “DH” rework, getting a few minor changes. Among these were the additions of Ascending Flame and Illuminated Sigils, the latter of which was entirely gutted. While I understand the removal of the utility sigils, in it’s current iteration it is unworthy of being a capstone. It’s just not good. Please consider moving it higher in the tree, possibly moving it to Meteoric Strikes location so that it connects to Ascending Flame (though this might be strong for so high in the tree)

Please prune some of the useless talents in the tree. Perfectly Balanced Glaive should just be baseline for Vengeance, at this point Fracture should be baseline as well. Feast of Souls will never be good just due to how Vengeance as a whole works. Ruinous Bulwark, Roaring Fire and RiP are also fairly low value just due to how the spec works, and you can tell the developers recognize this as they were all shoved into easily avoided spots.

Retaliation needs a rework and has needed a rework since it was created. The fact that it only works off taking melees during Demon Spikes, which adds a large additive parry bonus is counterintuitive. Make it proc off of successful parries and buff its damage.

Please rework or remove Soul Barrier and Bulk Extraction. During the Blood rework both Blooddrinker and Consumption, both equally undertaken talents on a choice node, were reworked and have become frankly awesome buttons. Please give Soul Barrier and Bulk Extraction this treatment.

Please revert Soulmonger to the BFA version, wherein you get a flat absorb per soul consumed, not specifically from overhealing.

Please either reduce the CD on Last Resort or give it some form of CDR. It’s not deserving of an 8m CD and the only reason it sees play is because it’s a one point investment after taking 2/2 in FTD. Give it CDR from soul fragments consumed or from Demon Spikes casts to give it some form of connection with FTD.

Lastly, please reduce the point cost of talents. We have to invest so many points just to get basic abilities to work or feel even remotely powerful. We invest 5 points into frailty, 7 into Fiery Brand, 5 into demon spikes w/ the FTD build, 3 into Fel Dev, it all just feels bad. If they felt like they got significantly more powerful it’d be one thing, but for the most part it feels like we’re just investing into basic functions.

Lastly, Darkness and its position in the class tree is problematic. Fel Scarred encorages taking Collective Anguish over The Hunt due to the Eye Beam cast also getting buffed from the empowerment, but to get CA on vengeance you have to sacrifice Darkness entirely. Being forced to give up group utility (of which we now provide fairly little in comparison to other tanks) for a damage increase feels awful, and havoc is in a similar position to my knowledge with sigil talents. If CA connected to the Darkness CDR/duration increase node this would be solved for Vengeance, but I’m not sure how it should be solved for Havoc.

Like I said before, I’m sure its much too late for reworks to trees, whether the be class/spec or hero, but please consider this for the future.


Let me start this by trying to be as respectful as possible, but honestly I would like to find the people that suggested modifying illuminated sigils and have a very stern and somewhat unprofessional discussion with them. I just logged on to play again today without knowing of this massive nerf to a core playstyle and found to my horror that one of the most fun styles of tanking for a DH is now half of what it used to be, if its viable at all. I do agree that it is a very strong ability, but its also one that hits that really sweet spot of ‘easy to use, difficult to master’ that is so sought after in games like this.

The control loop of playing M+ where I can grab a group of mobs and, through good coordination, control them for a period of time is not only fun, but a core game aspect of the class and has been throughout dragonflight.
OK I get it. VDH are/were the top tanks for ALL of dragon flight. Someone is always at the top. I wouldnt disagree that tweaking was needed, but killing it near completely?

Please allow me to give my feedback as a main raid tank and 3k+ m+ tank. This change sucks and it changes a great deal to the playstyle of the tank. Further it was one of the few tanks that was significantly different to play and therefore very attractive to an archetype that often is needed. No one ever said “we need less tanks”.

It’s very problematic that the original post says that we are beyond the design phase and almost every single post here talks about the design of both heroic trees are not good.

Beyond the design of the trees there’s a huge need for some visual love not just to the heroic trees but to the class in general. Having our class defining ability (Meta) empower only 2 of our abilities and that empowering being an icon/name change and damage increase has been hurting the class for a long time. This is exacerbated by the fel-scarred tree. Now we are looking at empowering 3 more abilities and only changing their icons, names, and damage.

Doesn’t it make more sense for all five of these abilities to be empowered baseline so that it feels like we are actually changing into a new form AND for that empowerment to actually be reflected in the visuals of the abilities? New icons/names and a damage increase has always felt like the absolute bare minimum in terms of class fantasy and it’s crazy to me that this was the design that came out of the expansion that focused on class fantasy.

None of this is really feedback on the hero talents because it seems like we have much more deep-seated issues than the balancing of the hero trees. It would be VERY appreciated if we could get a blue post that simply says, “We will not be changing the design of the hero trees drastically” so that our community can move toward trying to accept these trees as they are and many of us can decide if this is the class we want to play moving forward. (That last part hurt me to type. :frowning: )