Feedback concerning how Blizzard communicates

People have been screaming about layering for weeks and we’re just going in circles with our discussion now because we have no idea what’s going on. Now would be a great time for some communication from Blizzard on layering.

This type of situation is where a lot of the communication criticisms toward Blizzard stem from: A significant problem is identified, and there’s weeks to months of complete silence while everyone stews.

I know you like to wait until everything is finalized before making announcements, but all your communications don’t need to be unveiled as grandiose productions. Quick updates are the piece you’ve always been missing. Like, just check in and tell us what’s going on.

Something as simple as “We share your concerns and are currently evaluating solutions,” or “We heard you and we don’t care, f&%$ off” would be sufficient.

And if you’re able to tell us more than that, here are some specific questions:

  • Are you moving forward with layering?
  • Will you be making improvements to address our concerns?
  • When will it be turned off? (Some devs have said weeks, but a blue post said before Phase 2, so we really don’t know what to expect. Can you narrow it down?)

This whole layering thing is throwing a wrench into something people have been waiting a long time for. Launch is in 2 months. Let us know what’s going on.


The thing people dont understand with layering is their experience with it. What they saw or actually did was very bad. They were in a closed envierement with a small handful of players who were directly looking to see if there is any exploits of it. And in conclusion: they start to think “99% of the pop will abuse this come launch” when in reality: probably about 1% of the player base will abuse it

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Because 99% will abuse it.

If there’s free money and everyone knows how to get it, only dummies will not participate.

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Your logic is flawed. You have no proof to back your claim and only a select few of the pop even knows about the exploits and not every single person who will play classic read the forums or watched a stream that did the exploit. You will claim “everyone but me will abuse it” while you will probably be the biggest abuser.


Your logic is flawed, you have no claim. Also reported for trolling. J/k about report lol.


I use this tactic a lot when negotiating. When the other side is being unreasonable or overbearing, I just ignore them. Eventually, they start with the whole, “Why aren’t you answering?” I typically tell them, “The lack of a response is itself an answer.”

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Yeah. Go ahead. Abuse the report system for something i didnt even do. I will report you right back.

That’s just the point of the reporting system. So many creative uses.

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I’ll report both of you!


Layering isn’t a “significant problem,” it’s a necessary solution to an issue that didn’t exist in vanilla.

And, like most to all game devs, they’ll make an announcement when they deem they have appropriate information to tell us.

No one’s special because they sat on pservers for 10 years and then cry daily on these forums. I know, that’s a tough pill to swallow sometimes.


Yes. Thank goodness.

They already have if some beta reports are to be believed.

The last official word I saw was at Phase 2, unless the population drops more quickly than expected, then it will be turned off early.

Layering is awesome.


If I was the game dev, I wouldn’t want to talk to you guys either. Face it, we’re brutal and unforgiving, yet still pay for the game regardless. Seems low risk to keep low key.


If 99% of people could abuse it, it would at least be fair. If only 1% abuse it, then you have a handful of people getting an unfair advantage, which creates more disparity, and is arguably worse. And even if 99% of players know they can do things like layer hop to farm Devilsaur leather, how many will actually be able to take advantage before layering is turned off? It’s not fair if some people can abuse it and others can’t.

Bottom line is that it’s not acceptable for these types of exploits to exist in the game. They’ll compromise the integrity of the game, and devalue the time of the majority of players who can’t level fast enough to take advantage of the exploits.

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So if 99% of players are abusing it, how is anybody getting an advantage? If one goes to another layer for less competition, but so does almost everyone else, then there’s just going to still be competition.

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The idea of layering isn’t the issue, it’s all the problems that came with it. Please see the dozens of threads and videos showing all the bugs and exploits it introduced.

Tell me one thing in this video that’s “awesome”:


I don’t care about some YouTuber’s opinion. No one putting out YouTube videos about Classic is to be trusted or taken seriously.

Why is layering awesome?

Because it will make for a tolerable starting zone experience, and it won’t be like those garbage private servers with far too many people in the starting zones at launch.

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This beta is starting to feel just like BfA’s beta, they say there always listening but then all the problems from the beta get pushed to live.

That’s why last time I referred to it as a “marketing beta” because they don’t actually fix anything in the beta, they just use it to advertise the game with all the streamers.

I’ve seen most of them but thanks for assuming I haven’t simply because I disagree with you.

This is what beta is for. Fear mongering does not help, the “X Y Z is game breaking” threads don’t help. You’ll note Blizz hasn’t responded to any of that because it’s a bunch of whining and complaining that isn’t necessary.


It’s not a video of opinions, it’s a video showing exploits. Someone looting the Gurubashi chest two times isn’t an opinion.

Great. Then why does it need to be applied beyond the starting zones?

Not sure if you’re new around here, but there’s been a long established pattern of things not getting fixed because people keep quiet, thinking:

“It’s just beta, there’s no way that’ll make it to prepatch.”
“It’s just prepatch, there’s no way that’ll make it to launch.”
“It’s just launch, there’s no way that won’t be hotfixed.”
“It’s just a week after launch, there’s no way that won’t be patched.”
“We’ve only had one patch, there’s no way it won’t be fixed in the next one.”

So no, no one is “fear mongering” or “whining” or “complaining.” Blizzard asked for feedback, and they’re getting it.


Except, yes they are. Fact, not opinion. So what you said is moot. No I am not new around here, and there is literally nothing gamebreaking about layering, so yes, it is all whiny complaints and fear mongering.

If there was a mass legitimate concern, Blizzard would address it. 100 people crying on the forums because they don’t like something is not a legitimate concern.

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