It’s already been said, but the tank set bonuses are extremely lackluster. A random defensive proc for 4 seconds is basically worthless.
The prot paladin set would seem to have some promise since it includes a damage buff, refunds 1-3 holy power with shield of the righteous and extends 0.5 seconds with shield of the righteous use, but that just means you’re going to extend the buff 1 second in the absolute best case scenario. The vast majority of the time, it’s going to take 3 GCDs in order to build up the holy power to use SotR, so you’re just going to occasionally and randomly get a holy power refund and 0.5 second extension on the buff.
Compared to the previous tier set it feels like an extreme downgrade, to the point where it’s unquestionably worth using the previous set over the new one at the same ilvls.
Combined with the nerfs to prot paladin it’s pretty disappointing.
This seems pretty rng centric. But i feel that if the ret takes ep/el essentially double dip on losing winning streak essentially killing ds builds.
So infinite HP? You guys do realize our finishers (FV) do basically the same damage as our generators without the greater judgement buff right? I can see this work ok-ish with herald, but anything else this is not so useful. As we may end up ignoring this to use our builders instead.
Not to mention hp generation for ret anyways is crazy high.
In my opinion this is underwelming and not exciting at all.
I’m gonna repeat what I said on the Paladin thread.
I know that, personally, I dislike those sets beyond what they do.
The whole theme around RNG and Casino like feature/name REALLY irks me.
I hate casinos and everything they contain.
So from theme alone, I’m really turned off.
Setting aside the names and the theme…
The 2 set
I don’t like things that cancel themselves, so anything that says gain buff by doing X but doing X might cancel the buff is intrinsically unexciting to me.
The 4 set
I think I know what they are going for.
Back when Divine Purpose was actually good (SL and before), the feeling of getting back to back to back proc was pretty amazing.
The thing is, we’re already kind of doing that with the amount of HP we got.
And they don’t really hurt as much as they use to relative to everything else.
It might balance out the accumulation of Judgement debuff on target though but that’s kind of a problem in and of itself.
If the Judgement debuff is always up then might as well just put it in the spenders and make Judgement do something else…
time is up.
any feedback other than asking for better tuning is a waste of time at this point.
Devs, I implore your team to adjust the power level of tier sets.
Some specs gain 20% dmg while others gain 3% from 4pc is not something that will make anyone happy (not the player base nor the dev team).
So do your best to smooth out the outliers on both ends.
Time was up weeks ago. They barely iterated on these sets at all since they announced them. It’s like azerite armor, only with more time from announcement to release with the same disappointing outlook.
It’s sad to see that they went really hardcore with the goblin fantasy in the raid and the tier sets don’t reflect that. Such a wasted opportunity. It’s very lackluster and quite lazy design.
It would have been really cool if you had explosives, gambling, bullies, bribing, mechas, rockets and such as part of the set effects. Like imagine being a Discipline priest that changes Power Word: Shield for a goblin-style barrier, or summons a Mecha to protect the target. Or hunters shooting rockets.
These last expansions pretty much tell me that many members of the dev team aren’t MMORPG players or WoW fans. It keeps getting worse and worse.
Did they actually implement any of the feedback that we gave?
The majority of people didn’t like the tank tier sets(random chance to be more tanky) and thought that it could use improvements. I didn’t see any changes.