Appreciate it.
I take it the “Is Talent Pre-Filled” should have been checked on for Animal Companion?
It’s not intended to be a part of the talent tree at all. I kept it there so that people would be able to check the tooltip for what I would like the devs to do with AC, as opposed to keeping it as a talent option.
Basically, it shouldn’t be a talent, it should be turned into a baseline effect that anyone who play Beast Mastery have access to, regardless of their chosen talents. I intend for it to work similarly to how Lone Wolf works as a baseline passive for MM on live right now, where it(AC) has no effect whenever you only play with one pet out, but if you choose to play with two pets, the AC baseline passive simply causes both those pets to deal 50% of normal damage each. And as such, if you choose to play with only one pet out, that pet deals 100% of normal damage by itself.
While this is the case in the original (Blizzard) version, too, it’s kinda of annoying that One with the Pack is literally just a 50% efficiency Wild Call… (20%/pt for WC; 10%/pt for OwtP).
From what I can tell, the devs never intended for OWTP to double the effect of Wild Call itself. The big difference here is that both of them are now available as talent options, rather than how it is on live where Wild Call is a baseline passive, and OWTP simply augments that passive effect.
In short, I wouldn’t compare OWTP to Wild Call itself, but instead compare OWTP to other talent nodes in the tree that are meant to augment/enhance the more central, key talents.
Why constrain Bloodseeker’s KC reset to when Beast Cleave is active?
An alternative:
I intended for that talent to be an AoE-version of a KC reset. To allow for a bit more burst potential. If you compare the other talents, for a ST build, you have plenty of options to either add CDR effects to KC, or talents that allow you to completely reset the CD of KC, in a somewhat reliable fasion.
Those other talents aren’t necessarily as attractive in a cleave/AoE-scenario, so I thought something like this could be a fun addition for those types of encounters. (Obviously you do have some leeway in terms of what talents to choose on both sides of the spectrum, but it’s mostly about providing multiple choices, for everyones’ preferences)
We’ll be pretty Focus-starved all the way til level 25 given the position of Pack Tactics. Given how vital Pack Tactics is for our playflow, it also shouldn’t look optional.
I thought of this as well. I eventually decided to keep it as is, much because removing Pack Tactics from that position does somewhat restrict your options for how to make your way down to Bestial Wrath, or just continue downwards in the tree.
Having said that, while I haven’t looked into every scenario for leveling, prior to level 25, would it really be that much of an issue?
Nitpick, but, because Scent of Blood doesn’t path to anywhere that would be of use even when avoiding Bestial Wrath that AMoC/Bloodshed and Dire Beast don’t path to already themselves, it makes little sense not for it to be pathed solely from the talent it’s completely dependent on, Bestial Wrath (via Barbed Wrath)
While I personally can’t imagine anyone not wanting to pick Barbed Wrath to get the CDR for Bestial Wrath, I mostly made those paths available in case there was someone who would like to make their build a bit differently. Perhaps they prefer the more static gameplay where, arguably, what is the major CD has more of a fixed uptime.