Feedback: auto dismounting at quest NPCs needed

For the love of all that’s holy please turn on auto dismount at quest NPCs. People have been asking for this for years for a reason. Not only is it highly annoying it also sometimes ruins story when the NPCs are doing story stuff that you can’t see because of people standing in the way on mounts. just have people dismount within a small radius of the NPC (s). That’s not asking much. Please.


In before the, “It’s fine to do this. Just bind an interact button,” bros. Always making excuses for their crappy actions.


Honestly if they just extended the talk range for NPCs I wouldn’t mind it.
I actually prefer to stay mounted when talking, it’s kind of jarring to suddenly be dismounted.
Then again, I also purposefully move away from NPCs before I go and talk to them.

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The first area you go to quest after leaving dornogal has the NPCs in or on the edge of a very small lake in the middle of a small settlement. There are dozens of quests there (many are side quests) and these quests often involve clicking on NPCs in or around the tiny lake. There have been people on huge mounts sitting in the lake very often - and often afk. On the two first days (for early access and not early access) this area will be a total mess. I have been able to easily finish stuff with people on mounts - but only because I know where the NPCs are and what I have to do. If it was my first time there I would be really annoyed with the mount sitters.


plus, its not like they have to build the functionality, it already exists, they just have to apply it to a lot of NPCs

for anyone saying to use the interact key - sure, but you need to go find the NPCs name, target it, then use the interact key to access it. its easier to give them a dismount and collision shield so people can always just click on them.


the problem in the first questing area is greater - the interact key wont always be enough. For instance in one quest you have to carry an npc to the middle of the tiny lake and find a spot that is highlighted to click on to rest his body. You can’t interact with that spot. And it will be covered by people on mounts.


Don’t make it a no-fly zone, since it’s annoying to move away from every quest NPC in order to mount; instead just dismount players once when they talk to NPCs.

Not a bad idea - except the most annoying people go afk.

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i’ve literally never heard someone ask for this tbh

it kinda sounds really annoying to have to constantly remount when questing or w/e tho, also its super frustrating when im trying to mount and its just not working even tho im clearly in an area where i should be able to mount and then i realize its randomly because im standing too close to some important npc and there isnt really any indication that this is whats happening

Auto dismounting sucks. It’s the least convenient way to handle a large load of people around an important NPC. A better way would probably be to simply allow for some sort of “interactive mode” toggle, which hides/phases out players in a small range around the NPC.

There’s still that random dead spot above the Three Falls building in Azure Span. You can be randomly flying around looking for herbs, or going to a complete different place, and if you happen to clip the air above that tent, you get yoinked off your mount mid-air, no matter how far up you are, and clearly not interested in being anywhere near that building or its NPCs. Hasn’t been fixed all expansion.

does baby spice still work?

Apparently FF14 has just added options you can select to i) hide other players when you are close to a quest npc and/or ii) hide other players when you interact with a quest npc (might not have exact wording). I don’t play FF14 - this is from a post on the general forum.

This i could go for. I would actually prefer it because it sounds like it would make things more immersive. As far as getting dismounted when up above that’s why i mentioned small radius around them. Like basically right on them, so it’s pretty avoidable. I feel That this would have to temporarily be the solution as it takes time to create a new system. It would be a great first patch system, though. A nice, simple setting that can be turned on in the interface that players can set for active when a quest NPC is selected.