Feedback: Arms 11.1 PTR Raid Test and Feedback

You got to love how the devs are out of touch when it comes to basic warrior game play:

Continuing the discussion from Undermine(d) Development Notes:

You have goto be kidding us right? Tell us you don’t play warrior without telling us. Oh wait you just did. You understand its called the Execute Phase BECAUSE YOUR DMG IS RAMPED UP BY USING EXECUTE! Other than Mortal strike guess what ability is normally second in dmg for Arms Warriors? Oh ya Execute. How on earth can you even pretend like you play a warrior and not understand that? Please Blizzard answer us stop ignoring warriors or fire the guy in charge of warriors cause clearly they do not play the class what so ever and get someone in that plays one. No one is happy with the warrior nerfs and yet you are just sitting here with your fingers in your ears ignoring feedback saying LALALA I cant hear you! So much for valuing player feedback.