Although there weren’t many changes to Arcane coming to Undermine(d) I still want to make a feedback thread, as some of the changes were important.
- Talent repositions
It still takes 9-10 talents to make it out of the first gate with wanting to access both sides and access arcane surge. I don’t think this is the case with any other talent tree, but it feels very bad having to take almost every talent in our first gate in every scenario.
I don’t think making us take Arcing Cleave as a gate to Aethervision is also a good talent point. Again, I think just making it baseline would be better (and more intuitive). Moving points around for the sake of moving points around feels meh
- Aethervision (and the datamined Nether Conduit)
Aethervision was designed to replicate double dipping, but it has missed the mark. It has made Arcane MORE weakaura dependent and doesn’t even really replicate why double dipping was used. It has made spellslinger more RNG as it does not generate the extra splinters that double dipping did. Rather than simplifying arcane, I feel like I’m watching a weakaura and multiple buffs, rather than just watching my NP. It was easier to play prior.
Nether Conduit is a datamined talent (not implemented) that has Aethervision stacking to 4, and giving 1 charge per stack. This will be awful to play around, require more minmaxing/weakaura use. This would be a disaster to play. This should not be implemented and shame on whoever designed it.
I know it seems hyperbolic, but if you look at the mage discord no one likes playing around aethervision. Deleting the talent altogether and adjusting around it would just be better and simplify the spec
- Hero talent tuning
Sunfury is still behind Spellslinger quite a bit on most target counts. It was quite a bit ahead in the begninning, and needed some nerfs (which were justified initially), but will need some tuning via Burden of Power, or through Spellfire sphere/mana addiction tuning. Although Spellslinger is fun, having both hero talents be viable should be the goal, and currently Spellslinger is optimal in all scenarios.