Febuary trading post request

Love Witch’s Rosy Stave and Twilight Witch’s Gothic Stave

Can we get polearm versions of these as well?

I wanna prove I am the most magical magic princess by bashing peoples skulls in with my magic


I’m pretty sure you can transmog your weapons to a staff as a warrior/survival hunter

Do I look like a warrior/hunter?


Your alts can be

Alts are for squares, DKs only good class

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While we’re at it can we get a 2h version of that axe?

And the dark purple love witch set.

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Then play a Warrior.

That’s dumb though, they’re the melee with no magic

Should let DKs (and I guess paladins if we have to) be able to use it as well

Wouldn’t the sword from the trading post mesh well? :robot::thought_balloon:

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