Check it out…
Where is this “Special Vendor” supposed to be located???
Dornagal or w/e its spelled, same level as the trading post vendors, just along the edge
4 of them, I think
Thank you!!! It’s on the opposite end of that platform. YAY.
On the path leading down to the trading post in dorno
there’s some balloons near them i think
Yes, thank you! And each one has different items.
Smiles in blood troll mog.
When I first saw what was on the Trading Post I thought "Great, nothing to spend tendies on!', then I found out about the other traders and realised I wanted to spend 1700 of them on mounts and a transmog. Doh!
I guess those who haven’t bought TWW xpac yet are out of luck, because there are no clearance vendors in Stormwind that I can see.
Ha. Trying to get people to spend all those saved tendies. Then raise the prices next month
I don’t even remember seeing that little red mummy guy before (pet). It’s cute.