Feb 6th Guardian Druid buffs reverted

I hit a wall doing 18/19 on my Druid around 400 item level. Swapped to my warrior (hadn’t played it since bfa) and tanked that same key at 386, and I was never in danger. Pulls that crushed my Druids didn’t even require a CD on my warrior.

When you wait till your 415 to do 20’s, then yeah, it’s fine. But for anyone who wants to play before the valor cap unlocks, it’s a real issue.


Right, blizzard does a good job of making sure all classes and specs are able to do the minimum top end content comfortably. Yet it does sucks when you main a non meta spec given it does pull you down a bit due to either not having the same amount of power compared to the meta specs or having to put in a lot more work to do the same content.

Like I said.

True, but you get the consolation of knowing that it took more skill to achieve +20 than a warrior or other meta tank. Until the outliers reach outlier levels of results, they are kinda getting a free pass.

This amounts to near nothing. I’d trade in that good feeling of being more skilled for a stronger spec any day.


Yeah it’s ironic coming from a preservation evoker anyway. It is true though, and some people might value being on the higher skill class. If high skill is the meta outlier though, then everyone is just playing that and having a bad time because not many people are actually compatible with high skill demands.

High skill typically has to mean less performance or else the casuals cry.

You know, I’m so sick and damn tired of people who don’t play competitively trying to say something isn’t a problem because they don’t play that way.

Like who cares if you need +10 item levels to do something a warrior can do. Just wait 10 more weeks to do it. It’s fine.

At that point why does anything matter? Why even have this conversation? Why even play the damn game if all the same to everyone and nothing matters unless everyone agrees that it does, why do anything at all? Why even bother having an opinion?

Jesus Christ.


The point is it’s impossible to balance every class to be the same unless they constantly adjust values and waste dev time on diminished returns. They already are capable at the highest level of reward in game. You can’t get a title unless you play the metagame of finding out the true meta and minmaxing the hell out of it, but that’s obvious. How could you ever become top 0.1% without maximizing every possible benefit you can?

Literally nothing matters above that level of play, because all real rewards stop at +20 and every class and spec can achieve that.

The metagame of finding the outliers should always exist, because players at that level of play are actually interested in theorycrafting. Why deny the target demographic something they actively enjoy playing around with?

It also serves the function of creating “easy mode” classes for people who aren’t trying to push the limits and don’t care about skill. Just watch asmongold tank. He wouldn’t succeed if not for warrior balance.

Paladins have always been more a popular choice for Tanking. Naturally, there will be more. Druids have historically been slotted as healers.

Guardian is clearly capable, saying it is “bad” or applying negative connotations to the spec is silly.

It’s like thinking that any healer besides Rdruid or Prevoker is bad.


This is also more than just how Guardian is performing.

We’ve been spat on left and right since hell Shadowlands Beta.

  • Not a single followup post regarding our 10.0.5 changes during the PTR despite us giving immense feedback.
  • Known bugs not getting fixed until well after 10.0.5 patch hit live despite daily reports by many of us from the Bear community.
  • Clearly forgetting to cross reference buffs they gave us a month ago.
  • Slapping a FIFTY PERCENT aura buff on a spec a week before launch.
  • Admitting that Bear struggles with a certain type of damage and then buffing something that has no impact on that certain type of damage.

This isn’t just power levels, this is just blatant disrespect to a spec and it’s players.


You could always reroll Resto and print a free 3300 if it is so important to you


I feel like anyone who says differently is rationalizing pretty hard. “Yeah, you have a much harder time getting the same exact rewards as others, but doesn’t that make it BETTER when you get your portals 4 weeks after the average warrior/pally and top out at 22s instead of 24s?”

No, it doesn’t and its stupid to suggest it would…especially if you’re sitting at measly 12 points over KSH on one of the two most meta healers of the expac. I mean, logically, wouldn’t it just be SO MUCH MORE REWARDING to be stuck at 2395 on the most out-of-meta healer knowing how much harder you worked for it?

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This clown.

If you don’t care, that’s fine. But don’t come out here while those of us that do are trying to request something important to us and troll with this uninformed nonsense.


No, i don’t push when guardian is bad. I can’t get excited to play anything else. Guess I don’t fit into a neat little box.

Guardian Druid isn’t even in the same universe with the other tanks.


Honestly, as a prevoker who gets constantly told demeaning things about how I don’t deserve 2500 rating because my class and spec is s+ tier, yeah I’d rather be on disc priest with 2395 rating.

The results are what they are though. I am on an S+ healer and I got KSH.

Even if a spec is within a key level of the top, community perception will take over. It’s just that straightforward. Guardian Druid isn’t as bad as some people in this conversation make it sound, but that doesn’t mean the struggles of playing Guardian aren’t felt in more than one way.

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Then it’s a good thing that Guardian isn’t complete dogwater and can get to 3300 if it’s important to them

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Reported for trolling. Get that nonsense out of here.


Your highest keys are all as dps?

This is why everyone was calling you out the other day for buying keys.

As a S+ healer I main dps in keys


It’s not about my ranking, it’s about what is being suggested. What’s with you anyway? Why are you talking about me in this thread? Get a hobby you creep lol, no wonder people who install raiderio smell horrible.