Feb 3 changes

Aww ya turbo getting some good seasoning.


Ohh man some DH buffs are welcomed!

Apparently, unholy dks don’t exist anymore.


probably just PvE buffs. they get reset when you go into pvp.


No they don’t unless they explicitly state that


they do exist, at the top of the meters which is why they dont really need any changes currently.

On live all my abilities get lowered by 8% in PvP, and that’s how much we got assassination “buffed” last time we got worked on, so safe to assume.

You’re boring man; not even a troll… just boring.

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boring as it may be, it is factual.

Show pictures? That’s not really how it’s ever worked.

Of course man, now go and bother somebody else.

These are clearly just blanket buffs with pve in mind. Like very obviously. Do you guys expect for them to say “arms increased by 3% but no change in pvp?” I mean they just won’t. I agree many of these specs don’t need any help in pvp dmg wise but this isn’t what this was about. They’ll do adjustments later for that.

go assassination and hit on the pvp dummy in Org, watch your damage tooltips before and after

Not sure if that proves anything. There are modifiers in PvP already for a lot of specs. For example sub mastery is nerfed by 20% in PvP. This was a specific pvp change that was stated.

Where does it state anywhere it’s directed to PvP? I think these are PvE metrics being adjusted. Last thing related to PvP for assassination was Nightstalker getting nerfed because people where hitting 19k envenoms

Where are the ww,boomkin,spriests buffs.

Blizz gets it wrong

How’s it’s always worked is that all pve changes are active in PvP unless stated otherwise. For example there were times in bfa where destro got buffed in PvE and there was a note right under it that stated it would be counter acted in PvP.


Not going to argue, but can you show me where it’s stated that all assassination abilities are lowered by 8% in PvP? Ive looked and cant find anything.

i know it’s pve changes and all but lmao, the problem with a spec like havoc in pve is almost purely single target

it’s just as easy to be like “chaos strike does a gajillionty more damage” as it is to change the aura by 3%

i can’t figure out if they just don’t know, or don’t care, and it’s kinda pitiful

take forever to make changes, and when you do it’s incredibly small increases to specs that are like 20%+ behind the top

as always, they shoot themselves in the foot by not putting any employees (btw pay em so they actually do good work bobby) on the most important aspect of the game, which is classes, or how you experience the game