Feature to block duels

There needs to be an option similar to block trades / guild invites to block duel requests. I just had two 120 alliance run around chasing my lowbie horde alt duel spamming me for no reason. I realize there are addons that do this, and after this happened I redownloaded the one I had before reinstalling the game, but I think it should be built into the game – or at least make it so players can’t re-challenge you after you’ve already declined.

It’s not gamebreaking, but it’s irritating as hell when people can’t take the hint and leave you alone, or are using it as a tool to harass you. It’s especially sad seeing max level players doing this when they could be big boys and turn on war mode if they’re really intent on waving their [Removed] around and fighting low level players.


Decline them ? i am pretty sure it not spammable

Yeah it is. They can challenge you again immediately after you decline. Literally had it happen 5 minutes ago, and many times before that (happens a lot in Goldshire for some reason)


I use a addon called Microdeclineduel, i got it from twitch. Have not had a problem with duel spam for years. You don’t even know they ask you to duel it just auto declines.


Get NoDuel. Very lightweight and lets you add a custom response.



Cross faction duels are possible? Last time I tried this, it wasn’t an option.

If I don’t want to duel, I decline. If they spam me again, I leave the request open until it expires. They seem to get the message and move on.


Those are very helpful suggestions that I might look into if it becomes an issue for me as well.

But I understand OP’s desire for Blizzard developers to simply build the option into the game’s Social interaction options.

Addons may stop being developed, may be broken for good by a Blizzard update, or may rarely cause other issues in the game. Asking the game-maker for a built-in option is quite a reasonable request.


Just don’t respond and let the timer run out as you go about your business. I’ve had people get mad at me because they can’t challenge anyone else until that timer runs out.



I think if you right click them and click ignore, it blocks any interaction from them. I had someone doing this to me once, and I had to right click their portrait and hit ignore. After I did that, they stopped spamming me with duel requests. Whether this is because ignore worked or they simply stopped spamming, I’m not 100% sure. But it’s worth a shot.

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That has always been my method, but you know there are players who make it their mission to pick out someone and troll them as long as possible because that is how they entertain themselves. Usually I never have to stay in one area too long anyway so I wind up flying or teleporting away, but there are reasons to be stationary at times.

It would be nice if that worked - you will likely never want anything to do with that person in the future anyway.

report them.
I had some jackclown spamming me to sign his charter. literally as fast as I could clear the box out he’d put it up again.
yeah, I can block it, but frankly shouldnt have to if people didnt act like tantrum tossing savages.
I told him I didnt want to sign it. He kept spamming. when I said Id report him it just made him more aggressive.


Doing it this way has an option to ignore their entire account, so it gets alts and such. It’s different than right clicking their name in chat and ignoring them that way.

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If you put them on Ignore, does that not block their duel request?

This is what I do when I get a duel request out of the blue. I think it’s rude when people do it, so I just leave the the accept up and make them wait for it time out.

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They were from another server, and ignore has never reliably worked cross-server in my experience. Most of the time it just says “player not found.”

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That’s great but you shouldn’t need an add-on for that. I think the OP’s request/suggestion is legitimate, and I second it.


I would use an Option. Since one doesn’t exist, I use an addon called Decliner.

When the duel request pops up, don’t answer it. Leave the request open and drag the window to the side of the screen, then go on about your business.

The other guy will be sitting around forever waiting for your response.

I can make this idea one better. Do this, but also just /dance for the entirety of the request. Let them know EXACTLY what you’re doing. <3

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