[Feature Request] Exploration Mode

Well don’t give up on it just because you’re new to it! We all started somewhere.


What Zephyrath said! We all start somewhere, and we probably all started off rough around the edges. Just like with everything else- practice makes perfect, and you’ll only get better by doing it more!

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Never realized I needed this so much before this thread.

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I like it, I often thought about similar ideas but you have done a much better job at explaining.

I would also throw gilneas, bgs and arenas on that list pretty much anything that’s instanced


Not going to lie I do like this idea, though it isn’t impossible to use these areas. I think the biggest take away is making older raids more flexible on the size for them to be used. It doesn’t take too long to completely clear out the older instances of mobs, but the ability to bring even more people into them than before would be a huge boon for RPers.


Most definitely! That would be more than enough to make me happy tbh. (Although, Castle Nathria is gorgeous… Would love to pop into that for things without having to clear and worry about people not going for fear of missing bosses on their lockout.


Considering that they promised us an ‘Exploration Mode’ for Island Expeditions and didn’t as of yet deliver I think they’re more than capable of doing this if there was a big enough demand for it.

I wholly like the idea on the basis that it can have multiple uses across the board. There would be no exploitation to be had, rp usage would be possible…everyone wins.


Why not expand that to the world really and just have one big RP sandbox toggle button with own phases and such? :slight_smile:


Baby steps! I understand the bargaining concept of start big and work your way down, but I thought this suggestion would be a little easier to swing at Blizz. A toggle like that would ABSOLUTELY be ideal, though.


This would probably be a good idea to keep out the negative connotations that can be associated with RP. I like it, and it doesn’t seem too hard to implement! Which of course means we’ll never see it… But it’s a good idea, OP!


We can dream! They gave us the Elixir of Tongues, so I’ve got hope that they consider things for RPers every so often :P!


This is a fantastic idea, and definitely something I want to see happen. Depending on the coding involved, it would be a really nice Patch X.X.5 addition to the game, I feel.

It also further makes me want to have just natural cross faction communication so that not everyone is required to bring an Elixir of Tongues if you want to do an Alliance and Horde either gathering or battle scenario.

This reminds me that I do wish RP servers had their own set of rules compared to Normal servers in a way that would improve the ability to RP. Nothing game changing or breaking, similar to how we don’t get sharding so we can have our big gatherings, I would like to see just a little more support for the RP community in game so a lot of the roleplay (at least what I’ve done) doesn’t just happen in Discord/out of the game due to limitations.

Anyway, I’ll stop rambling. A+ post, OP.


More RP support would definitely be great. I’m happy when they do support us, though, because it does come through in a big way.


I love this idea.

Back in BC, the guild I was in would use Kara as an RP spot once it was cleared for the week. We even had a Bday party in the banquet room

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I wouldn’t call it RP difficulty. sounds more like RP mode. could be nice though. and it shouldn’t be too hard to implement.

This is actually a good idea.

I’m not sure I’d do this with current content, but for past expansion content, empty instances seem useful for RP.

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i am not oppose to empty version or increased instance size of instances for RP events. Would be nice for the RP community to have more options of locales for their RP. As long as RP Difficulty means what i am imaging of just a mobless version and not something else.

Yeah, that’s all I’m suggesting. The ability to go into an instance without any mobs. Or even an open world toggle that lets you go into a layer with no mobs.

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Then you got my vote