Feature Request: Edit Mode Layout Choice Per Client Installation

I have three primary UI layouts using the new system.

  1. 32:9 layout for playing on my main gaming desktop
  2. 16:9 layout for playing on a laptop or another computer w/ std monitor
  3. 16:10 layout for Steam Deck (highly custom for small screen)

My request is that my choice of layout be saved per-character-per-client. It’s quite annoying to play for a short session on my laptop, and then when I log in on my desktop the wrong layout is selected. Same for picking up my Steam Deck and having to first thing change the layout every time.



Any suggestion here get lost to the maw u need to post in ui macro general or in game suggestion forum.

I’m not a programming expert, but I’m not sure per client is possible. I know someone will correct me if this is wrong, but I believe these layouts are stored server-side. That way, your layouts will be available if you are not on your normal system.

That being said, you’ll want to put this suggestion in the UI and Macros Forum, so the developers can see these thoughts and consider it.

Recommend submitting it via the in-game Submit Feedback form so that it’s logged internally with Blizz.

There’s been little to no indication over the years that devs frequent the UI & Macro forums, other than to rarely post API PSAs.

this has the code to pick a specific layout

simplest way to do what you want is to turn that into three different addons, and only install the appropriate one on each machine.

then it should swap to the correct layout as you log in.

if you want added per character changes as well then youll need to flesh it out so you can pick one and save it so that you can set that one at load. and yes, youll need to do the config on each machine.

or save the layouts with specific names (or class) so that the code is able to select the correct one, eg character1-32x9, character1-16x9

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Just got the Steam Deck and got WoW installed on it, would love to get your edit mode layout for the Steam Deck before working through all of that from scratch.

In case anyone comes across this thread via Google, check out DeviceLayoutPreset addon (currently on wowinterface, pending approval on Curse) - it’s a simple addon to save your preferred preset on the device and apply it on login.

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