Feathermoon Horde Reconnections

I am a little tempted, I must admit. But don’t you want the experience to align with the original experience on Feathermoon?

I love world PvP as much as the next guy, but some days… I just gotta turn that s**t off.

… Then again, I did perma-flag back in the day, and my experience recently has mostly been coloured by heavily Alliance-biased war mode shards. The cross-realm nature of it all leaves a bad taste in my mouth, too.

So perhaps RP-PvP wouldn’t be so bad…

As a completely unrelated, RP-based question: folk that are planning to reroll your original characters (like I’m planning to make another Vivimord), do you think you’ll roleplay out initial character meetings with people your character already knows (in “present timeline” WoW)? Or will you go with your characters already being old friends/allies/enemies? :0)

Heh not guildies, but was in that channel for a short time. Good to see my memory still works, had to brush some dust off to get back that far. :stuck_out_tongue:

Haven’t seen Dia around in a while so hope she’s doing well.

Funny you should mention this. We’ve actually come up with a whole plan for that. Our take is that we’re winding back the clock and doing alternate history versions of our characters. We’ve got a write up of it here on the forums (just search for grobbulus guild rp) and on reddit:


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Dustuhar - Wrath of kul Tiras back in the day!

Arwolf the Undead Mage here. I used to be a huge nuisance at Goldshire/Tram/Stormwind. AKA Wolfsaber in some raids.

Healingbolt the undead Priest and Jawsnap the undead Rogue are also getting back on and asked me to throw their name in.

I’m looking for anyone from Malus Immortalis/Guild Watch/my old raiding groups but if you recognize any of us please hit me up at Arwolf#11246

Hey Tsark! Been a while. I was wondering if you happened to know what happened to Irons and Malicent from our old raid group?

They are playing on an Aussie server, these days - I still see them log on to Battlenet (mostly Irons)

Ahh, I see. Do you have any plans to hop on Grobb?

Wilken here from Earthtreader in Vanilla. Omen and Adapt & Overcome for BC through Cataclysm.

Good to see folks from back in the day!

can reach me on “Rancor#1197”

P.S. Dug this up from back in the day.


Kranar from Earthtreader here, didn’t talk much but was around for most of vanilla. I remember most of those names. I was in Earthtreader for vanilla but moved servers with friends in BC. Probably going to give classic a go but doubt I’ll play seriously.

Gobbletronx/Zarlbane of Call of the Tempest! Super stoked to be playing classic.

I played an orc warlock named Kumara, eventually transferred when BC happened.

I can’t remember the user names of those whom I played or raided with, or even the guild I was in for MC, Ony and ZG… guess I’m getting old.

Oh the memories,



Yo Panzer! Not sure if all you guys even remember me at this point but I used to play an Undead Mage named Unleon. Would love to get The Dark Storm ball rolling again. What realm are you guys going to be on? Add my btag danglebert#1877

Boys, its been years… We are coming home.

Dustuhar Tauren Druid


Oh damn! What’s up Wilken? Good to see I’m not the only AAO member that posted.

Somebody call Duke.

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Saluraz here! Undead Prot Warrior, can’t remember the guild I was in though. One of the guild members was an Undead Warlock named Saiia, but that’s about all I can remember. The guild raided everything except Naxx and I was OT/MT. I also did a ton of Alterac Valley.

Not entirely sure what realm I’ll be playing on for Classic but I’m definitely rolling up a Prot Warrior again!

Wow, this is a pretty trippy blast from the past, I didn’t think I’d recognize so many names after all the years! I played Daynk and Gaffle, ran Riddle of Steel and raided with Hand of the Forsaken and then Wardens of Alexstrasza. I’m old and grumpy(er) now, but I couldn’t resist an a few months in the past. I’m dragging Wraine (Tauren Shaman) back down the rabbit hole with me.

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Making a return to it as well going to be with the pirates.