Fear of getting banned for no reason

I want to start this thread up to start a conversation about a fear of getting banned for no reason.

Sometimes i treat this game like a place to learn, and i feel like because i want to test that I’m threatened by something that might at first not make sense.

Does anybody else feel like this?


Lets test the profanity filter :smiley:


What kind of tests are you wanting to do that might get you banned??? I’ve played for years and never once was I afraid of being banned “for no reason.”


face your fears

get banned on purpose


Use the randomize button when making a character. I got suspended for using one of those names because it contained a 4 letter word beginning with P and ending with N.

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If it’s truly for no reason then it sounds like you have some anxiety. Like you’re overthinking things.

I don’t know what to say that will help. You’d have to do something really bad to get banned, usually they do a penalty volcano starting with a suspension.

I can’t imagine a scenario like this, other than what you say on the forums

I get this fear a lot specially when the topic is politics. Since Blizzard likes to pander to the far left and I’m a libertarian I tend to not voice my opinion when these kinds of subjects pop up on the forums.


Let me face, let me face, let me face my fears.

On a reply to OP: I’ve been around for a few years, and never been banned. Logically, if you do nothing to warrant a ban, you won’t get banned.

I am thinking if you are fearful of getting banned for “no reason” maybe your default behavior might be kinda sketchy?

Unless you’re installing things you shouldn’t be, you’ll be okay :). You can even be a jerk in this game, just don’t break the rules dawg. :call_me_hand:t2:

I feel like this falls into the same phobia of being wrongfully accused of a crime.

Which is a real thing but I forget the term for it. Imagine getting a life sentence for something you never did but couldn’t prove you didn’t.


The only time I’ve ever been actioned is on the forums. Otherwise you have nothing to fear.


The irony is your chosen toon for posting. Emotions posts “fear of getting banned”. Walked right into that one… LOL.

Nope, if I get banned I am fairly sure there will be a very justifiable reason. Most likely for trying to get compromising pics of top Blizzard staff in an attempt to extort a scarab lord title and mount.


Let’s talk about social anxiety. Wait!. Don’t, apparently having social anxiety is de facto involvement in a hate group.

Then you’re not testing anything fun


it is very hard to get a ban in this game unless you are just outright cheating. you can be racist and homophobic in trade all day and the worst you might get is a GM muting you unless you say something so vile even blizzard doesn’t want your money anymore. Blizzard is not good at moderating toxic behavior and honestly they probably don’t even care

Yeah I completely feel you OP, I have been playing for over 12 years and never have the forms been so quick to ban someone. These days, esp for someone my age, as I am not a Millennial, there are a lot of posts that I disagree with, the things that seem normal to that generation seem absurd or disgusting or completely inappropriate to me. However, I feel like voicing this opinion will result in a ban no matter how politely I phrase it.


This is an interesting one.

Blizzard doesn’t exactly ban casually so if it happened then you probably deserved it.

Like the last time I heard about someone getting banned it was someone who got the boot from a 30 tank nzoth run for calling everyone else a nagger because they wouldn’t reset the boss he missed out on because he was taking a 20 minute smoke.