FDK pvp help

I am so confused I remember playing FDK and enjoying it early in shadowlands… but like I am trying to repick it up for the transmog set from last season (as thats what I’m using this extra season for) and i feel like I’m just doing some thing wrong. Every go is disarmed and I get all of 2 oblits before everyone is out of my range. People just are not dying in the goes. and then I’m just being completely destroyed having to deathstrike multiple times just to hardly heal anything at all in hopes of my healer pouring HPS into me. Like am I missing something here?

The best way to win as a frost dk is to swap to unholy


Probably, but I don’t like unholy and never will unfortunately. Hate pets and stuff

probably one of the most forgotten specs in the game and limited to very cheese cringe comps, feels god awful to play otherwise and unholy does everything better and fits better in the other comps

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play with specs that can enable you (devoker / ww primarily)

you’re going to get shut down on your damage if you don’t set it up with cc (devoker fly or leg sweep)

if something trinkets the first go you instantly win the second one


going to be pretty hard to set up in shuffle imo. you’re better off with partners that can help you like others have said. but its not impossible. i just played with one at 1800 who didn’t press grip blind a single time in 10 minutes and he did fine so nothing makes sense.

you just have to learn how to do the setup, and then do the setup. kite in between goes. you’re pretty comp dependent but frost dk is scary so if you enjoy it keep going

dude, fdk is trash the entire exp. Do you really think they care about it on the last patch?

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Not with a blasty dragon it ain’t.


Kenny be my lord and savior tell me what to do :C. I typically 2’s as I don’t have friends but its not working for fdk :C

it sounds like your goes aren’t set up cleanly enough. i’m not a fdk main, but their gameplan from the outside looks like it’s usually

  1. find a target to start on who you can stay on as a default(chains is usually required to force this to be true), and then just follow them around until they bring you into grip range of someone on their team, ideally who doesn’t have an ability that easily reacts to grip and even more ideally who doesn’t have a defensive they can push in a stun.
  2. blinding sleet your two targets to prime the go. if you trust your partner not to break the sleet i think you get to use a gcd or two of damage setup here, D&D/RW i assume
  3. stun them with dragon unless you trust your partner to hit an aoe stun for you(i don’t know what fdks use to make this decision. ask in xeek’s stream i’d be shocked if he doesn’t have a detailed answer)
  4. most of the time you’re gonna strangulate the healer after the first or second stun of the go ends, unless you get fancy with using it to prime a go you weren’t gonna be able to get otherwise.

between goes you are, as far as i’ve ever seen in every fdk game so far this season and last, wholeheartedly running away like brave sir robin. chains everybody and hide for your cooldowns. i see a lot of fdk teams play remorseless winter stun and use that between pillars as a miniature go, but it seems like dk damage isn’t really there as much as it’s a way to force stuns and open a window for your teammate to get a defensive offscript.

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I mean the game plan is pulled off cleanly. its immediately after the stuns I’m disarmed which is what they should do. Maybe frost just can’t do 2’s is maybe my issue?

well i’m taking you literally when you say you get 2 obliterates off in the go. i don’t think your go is supposed to have a stun window that short unless someone trinkets, and it’s pretty hard to get more than 1 trinket+peels per go from a good team

there’s an extent to which that’s true, yeah. 2s is super deflated(more literally, unpopular with anyone except its devotees) in the shuffle era, so a high percentage of the people playing it are gonna be very aware of the defensive script that they need to minimize fdk’s impact. fdk is reliant enough on partners helping force its setups to happen that you’ll probably have a meaningfully worse experience in 2s or shuffle than you will in 3s

the key to fdk is knowing why ur better

Mord im not sure what level youre playing at but im learning devastation right now if you want to run some 3s at some point. I just hopped off for the night but im on every day.

We can voice also and learn how to set up your goes a little easier

Sure, I work all weekend but am available on Monday if you want.

Sounds good man. Drop your btag, i should have a pretty solid handle on things by monday

One of us one of us one of us

Hows that saying go… if you cant beat them, max rank fire breath them?

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231k ticks of disintegrate and beyond!

Joseve#11499 is the tag.

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