Its obvious the DW Breath build was intended to be the meta, but please make a place for 2h FDK and make non breath builds competitive. The recent nerfs box FDK into one build which feels terrible.
2h has been excessively nerfed this xpac. Bake Fallen Crusader into MotFW so 2h can use the shatter builds. And/or adjust the Howling Blast/Rime aura behind it to hit harder.
FDK is near the bottom of all modes save M+.
If its easier, make riders the 2h choice and Deathbringer the DW go to. E.g. Hungering Thirst from the Riders tree can be made to buff Frost Strike and Diseases by 20%(or whatever) if using 2h or something of the like.
I dont care how it happens. FDK needs a buff for raids/pvp and non breath options need to be competitive.