FD Trap not working?

Hey all, I am wondering if Blizz has addressed the FD/trap combo working 50% of the time, probably a spell batching issue? I thought I saw a post earlier on it? I am wondering how my only chance vs a melee is to get range works if this is broken? Thanks for any tips.

Unfortunately this will not be fixed until Activision addresses their abysmal implentation of spell batching (I.E. Never). Its window is enormous, thats why you are often stuck in combat and cant FD trap instantly. its also why everything lags like hell. Pet response terrible. Even text chats are batched it feels like.

Bring the batch time down from 400MS to 50-100ms.

I never really lost shards (due to shadowburn batch) in vanilla wow, but its easily done in classic wow because far too liberal of a batch time. Shadowburn is cast, consumes shard, no damage dealt - wasted shard.

Plz fix. ty.

It’s not going to be fixed. Hasnt since launch.

rolled off hunter because not only will they fall off massively as naxx approaches, their best escape in PvP is forever broke.

You think its bad at 56, wait till you get your T1 and realize that if you have your 5pc equipped it’s even worse…

You have my sympathy, but so far Blizzard has been AFK and don’t appear to be putting a whole lock of love into Classic.