Favorite/Least Favorite Dungeons so far

I really like most of the dungeons- especially Algeth’ar Academy. It’s a fun aesthetic and the mobs/mechanics seem more interesting than usual. I think The Nokhud Offensive is also a unique dungeon, but i’m not sure how I feel about it quite yet.

Least Favorite- Brackenhide Hollow. Very long. It might have just been my all new group, but this one stood out as a massive drag. Boring environment. And lots of trash(all the same basically).

Halls of Infusion is one I am still up in the air on… again, it might have just been my group. This dungeon seemed to have the most “You’re instantly dead” mechanics compared to the other dungeons on heroic. Which isn’t a bad thing, but did make healing a bit stressful

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not sure which one i enjoyed the least…

but uldaman was really cool! i like how we travel back to the badlands :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

i’m just glad they appear to have less of those props that obstruct your vision (as in SoA)…i don’t like that sort of design being used as an element of the encounter’s difficulty

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That bridge before the final boss in Halls of Infusion with the middle things is the only one I can think of. And it seems most DPS are very unaware that they are not in sight on it lol

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Brackenhide and Neltharus. The latter is so incredibly long.

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I liked all of them bracken and infusion little worrying when becomes m+. I found neltharios really fun but we did do gigga pulls on m0.

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Least favorite - Brackenhide by far. I can’t give exact reasoning for it, but I absolutely dread having to go there or seeing it pop-up in my queues.

Honorably mention of Azure Vaults, it has a lot of “pug killer” mechanics that worry me, namely around accidentally triggering a sentry and suddenly you’re way over %, etc.

Top Favorite(s) - Nuekand (idk how to spell it). The flying is lit, the open dungeon layout is :dracthyr_love_animated:, bosses are cool and not annoying, plenty of viable skips.

Ruby is also :dracthyr_love_animated: because it has a really cool aesthetic, linear but not restrictive, and the pulls feel balanced.

I’m psyched for m+ this expac, the 0’s have been lit so far.

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As a healer Azure Vaults was TERRIBLE. Jesus christ the number of stacking dots and of course the roots WHILE circles that deal half your health are going out and pugs that don’t interrupt anything, tanks that pull everything as if it’s normal (while doing mythic) and just the amount of unavoidable damage on top of everything that clueless pugs love to stand in made this dungeon absolutely miserable. We made it through just fine but god damn it was some of the most stressful healing I’ve done since the early days of Cataclysm. Some of the trash feels like it’s way overtuned and especially the dots upon dots upon dots and of course they all stack indefinitely and I can only cleanse every 8 seconds. If they insist on having dungeons with stacking dots (so far every single dungeon I’ve done has had them) that go on the entire party they either need to reduce the CD for cleanses or remove the CD entirely.

So far I’ve really enjoyed the rest of the dungeons and don’t really have a preference yet. One other thing that seems a little overtuned is the gauntlet where the swirling water moves towards you on either side. It moves extremely fast and pugs seem to love running straight into them which is difficult to deal with while the trash is also heavily chunking on the party and you’re having to dodge the water while trying to heal stupid.

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Mass Dispel is real nice in this dungeon

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If only I played a priest.