Favorite TWW PVP site

What’s everyone’s favorite wpvp quest site in TWW? I think the tower in Isle or the pit for me. The one by the water in hallowfall is the most meh.

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I can’t remember where it is, it may be the pit, or not.

It’s in either Azj-Kahet or The Ringing deeps, but it’s the cave with the central column where people can’t just run away.

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Pretty much any place in Isle of Dorn. I don’t really like the other zones too much because of the feeling of being stuck underground. It’s like being in Zaralek Cavern all the time which was an awful zone.

I like literal open world pvp. What TWW has to offer makes me miss DF a lot.


The PvP quest in City of Threads and the mole one in Ringing Deeps are my favorite so far.

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I love those moles.

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I like the cathedral in Hallowfall, lots of spots for scraps, lots of spots to sneak away and avoid providing honor and bloody tokens and heal up out of combat.

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Yeah, the cathedral is a good one. It allows for some creative escapes with the height and multiple platforms to engage on. I did love the dragon wrangling one in DF too.

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I prefer to gank outside of delve entrances. Any delve tbh if there isnt anyone when im going in there is usually somebody when im leaving. Its like they are completely surprised that someone is attacking them at all and blizzard does a great job of allowing the seethe to come through the monitor.

I have never done or witnessed this but it’s funny. Reminds me of this random time in WOTLK when instance entrances were bugged out and it took repeated tries to get in, and it was a glorious ganking site.

It makes me kinda sad because I’m often not in PvP gear when that happens LMAO
But, yeah idk why but I’ve found the delve entrances to be interesting spots for pvp in general, usually I hate instance entrances but it’s kinda fun stopping people from entering

War within is just really fun for World PvP, I don’t know where my favourite place is to be honest
The bosses on siren isle can be fun places, all the PvP quests are really cool, and in general every zone is interesting
Even though it’s probably the most mediocre PvP WQ, I have really fond memories of the neutral zone in the middle of hallowfall, especially closer to the start of the expansion

This will need to be tested to see if it still works this way but it used to:

Make a macro (or two, one for each) and put it on your bar somewhere. Name your gear set in the equipment manager PVP for pvp gear and PVE for pve gear. Your macro would then look like
/equipset PVP
I haven’t used this in years so I am unsure if this will work in combat still, may need some tweaking but worth a shot. Hope this helps!

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Azj-Kahet caves by far.

You can simply drag the icon of your set from your character window to a bar slot, you can now click on it to switch gear

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The real question is this: can you switch gear in combat? If not, then this fix is really only for NE’s with Meld.