Speed enchants and gear help a lot.
My warlock has 18% speed and it’s really noticeable. I outrun anyone that’s not using some kind of mobility boost
Also helps with dodging mechanics which is really nice when you’re a slow class
Speed enchants and gear help a lot.
My warlock has 18% speed and it’s really noticeable. I outrun anyone that’s not using some kind of mobility boost
Also helps with dodging mechanics which is really nice when you’re a slow class
While the usual with man’ari warlocks with the draenai skins out of the way, I love goblin warlocks. It just fits with their nature.
Like most of my characters they have been ao many different races… a lot of it has to do with roleplay perspectives.
Lately my current obsession is Earthen.
They are atarting from a clean slate… they dont really know anything that has happened due to memories not be accessible from the achives.
Earthen warlock. I know right? Doesnt make sense at first. However from a story plot point. A knewly awakened Earthen goes around exploring. Finds an odd gem of which he has never seen before. Picks it up and thinking he wonders how it would taste. Earthen amiright? Anway…
After eatting said gem he feels fel magic infusing with his body and knowledge and spells appearing within his mind. The gem in question was a soulstone dropped by a carless warlock adventurer. And the soulstone started acting as a memory gem for the Earthen.
I love all these reasons and stories! So freaking cool.
Another reason I like gnome for a warlock is it feels fitting after the irradiation of Gnomeregan that many young gnomes would look for powerful allies and a quick path to power as a way to protect themselves when gnomes were just exiles in Ironforge.
Undead > Every other race.
You’re not wrong. =D
I made a red draenei, their racial is also very confortable to use, specially in pvp.
I would play undead if they were like sylvana’s boyfriend. (like a normal human but pale).
Void Elf becasue it kind of matches Affliction’s aesthetics, but Man’ari Draenei skins almost made me go for it.
Dracthyr lock feels nice to play, also a red dragon as a destro lock hits hard.