Favorite peaceful places

Oh! The Brawl’pub!

Mulgore. All of it. The music, the visuals, the nostalgia… it’s perfect.


The snowy mountains around Dun Morogh, Ramkahen in Uldum, the deserted island above Vash’jir, the beaches just outside of Booty Bay, and the tavern in Thelsamar of Loch Modan. Basically any of the places where I used to RP with the old Pirate guild or friends back in late Wrath/early Cata.

Also the crenellated overlook off the Mage Quarter in Stormwind that looks out over Lion’s Rest. That’s a great spot that is still relatively close to the RP action of the Mage Quarter.


Your name seems familiar. Were you a member of the Mountain Guard back during Cataclysm era?

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I was not, but I was super active - both on the forums and in game - from mid-Wrath to mid-Cata. I definitely recognize your name, too, but my guess is that it was from my time on the forums since I never played Horde back then.

I also RP’d with members of the Mountain Guard quite often, but never with anything consequential like RP/PvP.

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I recently got my garrison (boosted toon) and spend most of my time there now.

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Some of the waterfalls in the Outland Nagrand are fantastic.

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Anywhere in the Jade Forest. The serene music, the forest, the rivers, and the massive Jade Temple. I honestly can’t think of a better place to be.

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Will echo Jade Forest and Mulgore as being amazingly peaceful locales to just sit and rest.

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Southern end of Forgotten Coast and Feathermoon.

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