"Favorite Mounts" per character?

Is this something you can do and I’m missing the setting somewhere? I want a few favorites PER character, as obviously each character has a different vibe/look.


The only way I know to do that is to use an addon. LiteMount is great, and has a lot of other features, and you can set up a different profile for each character, and only use certain mounts for that character.


This is the answer. I actually configured it to summon specific mounts in almost every major zone and instance in the game. This one add-on completely destroys the “WhY cOlLeCt MoUnTs WhEn YoU oNlY uSe A cOuPle”, stupid argument.

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I use Livestock myself. It also has QoL features for other mobility abilities and classes, like turning cat if the mount button is used indoors. Or it casting waterwalking if you’re in water.
It also lets you pick battlepets per character. :smiley:

It’s the hardest part on each of my new alts;

Pick mog. Pick mounts. Pick pets.

Sadly, the addon’s feature to use a specific mount/pet in specific zones is broken. I really liked using that in suramar…

Litemount has this functionality also (I think just as the macro).

It might be time for me to migrate then!

Here’s an easy macro
/castrandom(space) link mount,linkmount,etc,etc

That’s it. The hardest part is finding the icons i want for each mount macro. There’s so many to scroll through but I have to have one that matches my needs

Why this isn’t base functionality, I will never know, but I guess I can say this about the other 27 add-ons I have to use too.

Thanks for the tip!!

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