Favorite DK mounts? (Available to farm)

Pretty new to retail you can look at my post history to get the jist of where I’m at.

I’m wondering what everyones top DK mounts are?

I want to farm for old mounts that go good with DK aesthetics.

Currently the main one I plan on chasing is the ghostly old blanchy from SL.

Thanks in advance for all opinions.

A lot will say Invincible. Personally, I think DK’s start out with the best mount for them. But the dragons from the ICC achievements would be another one, the mount from Karazhan, any of the mounts that the Forsaken have could also work.


I like these 4

Sinrunner Blanchy

Midnight’s Eternal Reins


Zovaal’s Soul Eater


In order to get invincible to drop you have to turn the buff off right?

The horse from Wrath Timewalking is god-tier. And it flies. The protodrake from the Warth Classic launch is also amazing but saddly no longer available.


This is the one I was talking about in my post. It’s so nice looking and I could make so many sweet mogs for it.

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That doesnt sound familiar. I don’t remember ever doing that while I was farming for it.

The ICC frostbrood drakes look fantastic

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Valiance! Relatively easy. And last time i checked not that many people had it surprisingly.

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i would do the icc meta achievements for it not that hard but a few might be if i remember

Risen Mare (for alliance) and the blue bat from BfA islands

I used the flying spider from Nazmir throughout questing for War Within.

Headless Horseman Mount


My DK uses Invincible, but the Headless Horseman’s mount works pretty nicely as well.

Does Rivendare’s charger fly? (I don’t have that one so I don’t know)

I have random mount selected, but probably Blanche, Deathwing, any of the wolves, flying disc.

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

unfortunately this mount is a gladiator mount but its the perfect DK mount to not add it on the list. Its insignia is on Arthas sword.

It isn’t. I wouldn’t post something that isn’t obtainable anymore, especially not for someone who said they are newish.

The mount is a retroactive addon that came in DF. It’s an unarmored version of the Gladiator mount from SL.

This is sick ngl. Think I’ma def add this to my farm list.

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oh wow… thats wild that they pretty much gave away a Glad mount.

I’m using the frosty world breaker mount at the moment and I like it

Deathlord’s Vilebrood Vanquisher is a solid one, and its colour changes to match your spec which is nice. It does require completing your Legion order hall campaign which means waiting for the mission table at points, but you barely need to do anything in the Broken Shore now (you only have to do the quest for the new follower) so it’s much easier to get than it was in Legion.

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