Favorite book?

I think I’ve read every book written by Roger Zelazny numerous times.
Elric was a fine char and I enjoyed Moorcock’s other novels as well.
The original Conan stories or really anything written by Bob Howard is always fun to reread.

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Usually anything by John Irving or Neil Gaiman. Jonathon Strange and Mr Norrell is a tough read but much easier listen on Audible. Dune and Watership Down. Kurt Vonnegut. Lord of the Rings, Song of Ice and Fire. Really too many to mention

48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene
The Art of War by Sun Tzu

Science and astronomy stuff like Neil degrase tyson, Sean caroll, Brian Greene.

Too many great books to list, but if I could encourage everyone to read just one novel it would be Blood Meridian or The Evening Redness in the West by Cormac McCarthy. Based on real events, the book is considered an anti-Western with elements of magical realism thrown in. (The Judge is a fantastic character and he’s dancing–dancing–and he bows to the ladies and to the fiddlers. And he is a great favorite, the Judge. He never sleeps and he says he will never die.)


Tons of good books here, As of late I lean toward non fiction books mostly . History and astronomy. Fascinating we get a little glimpse of the past and how vast our universe is. It really has an impact on how I view the world and my place in it. Really wonderful stuff.


Did you ever read Lucifer’s Hammer?

For me The Stand is the best book ever written.


It’s been many years but I remember Lucifer’s Hammer as being pretty good.

The surfer scene…

It is a good book, not the best, but pretty good. All end of the world books are kinda good in general.

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Gone to Texas: History of the Lone Star State

Flowers for Algernon

Fantasy/adventure genre:
Lord of the Rings. Read the Hobbit and the trilogy four times before the movies came out

Warcraft universe:
Arthas: Rise of the Lich King (IMO, movie-worthy)

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The Cataclysm By Sweezy McDaniels

Its end of the world stuff caused by tech giant artificial intelligence

Neverness by David Zindell. Mathematics and hockey scifi. Warrior poets. Spaceships. It’s got everything you need.

I absolutely LOVED the series A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab, I hope they do make a movie, but the last time I wished for this, The Maze Runner movies (the second and third movie) absolutely disappointed me. How are you going to have a movie called “The Scorch Trials” with no trials? The movie took on a completely different story after fifteen minutes. But I’ll digress.

Another series I absolutely love is The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Chef’s Kiss I would love for the series to get their corresponding movies! But it will be hard to do without Alan Rickman :frowning:

Love books

Religion. Is religion non-fiction or fiction depends on your point of view.

Early Christianity the first 400 years. Tons of very good books on this topic from a skeptical point of view.

United States history from 1960-1990.

Conspiracy theories, love these books even though I think most are BS.
UFO’s and assassinations. Government covering up assassinations and ufo data. Fun reads but have your BS detector finely tuned.

For fiction I love “alt history” , “end of the world” , “zombie apocalypse” and “time travel” fiction.

Just these few genres keep me entertained.

Favorite Type: High Fantasy
Favorite Book: Lord of the Rings

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Hard to pick one book or even one genre. I’ve always loved fantasy and SciFi but many other types have brought me joy over the years.

Everything written by Hunter S Thompson is high on my list. John Steinbeck was a great writer. His humorous and his serious works were all wonderful. Hemingway, Tom Wolfe,
David McCullough, Ken Kesey and Jack Kerouac are all among my favorites.

I devoured the works of Edgar Rice Burroughs as a kid but it all seems so dated now. Robert E Howard (Conan, Kull, Bran Mak Morn) was not confined to just fantasy. His humorous stuff was side-splitting. His boxing tales were just plain fun. Jack London was a hero of my youth. Louis L’Amour’s westerns were always a pleasant read. I enjoy Craig Johnson’s ‘Longmire’ novels.

Relaxing with a good book is time well spent.

The Wheel of Time series was my first love. Brandon Sanderson finished that off brilliantly and are some of my favourites of the series. The bad guys rock. Sadly, the TV series is a pile of utter poop. Thanks for ruining that Amazon! C grade sfx, crap acting, butchered story… the list just goes on and on :roll_eyes:

Speaking of Sanderson, the Stormlight Archive is brilliant. He’s a genius Sanderson. Love that series and so well written. Highest of recommendations there.

I just finished The Lies of Locke Lamora. That was a swashbuckling great time. Loved it. On to book 2. Highly recommend. Took a little while to get into but, once in, I was hooked and sped through it.

Lastly, I’ve got into warhammer fantasy recently. Hit and miss. Some bad, some great. The Rise of Nagash was pretty cool. Anything with skaven in it is great imo. Such evil little buggers.

Would be keen to see what other peoples recommendations are.

There are so many and for some reason one keeps popping up in my head even though its very VERY far outside my wheelhouse in every way.

The Idiot by Dostoyevsky

Its slow, downright boring at times yet still fascinating. The main character is called an idiot by virtually everyone and yet…he is the only that truly isnt. Its a light shined on how WE, create the drama and pain in our lives and if we just stopped and looked at the world clearer, we could see it. The characters goodness and lack of guile is mistaken for lack of intelligence and insight and this happens because the character lived outside of court and the intrigue of the upper class.

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Dont Laugh

I have MANY MANY books:
The Entire collection of Star Trek Novels (all eras)
The Entire Collection of Star Wars
Space Odyssey 1-3
Everything Lee Child, Stephen King and Stephen Hunter.

But to be honest the 1 book I have read MANY times including re-reading it right after finishing it is…with a drum roll of reading it 29x in the last 20 years

Battlefield Earth

The movie SUCKED but I REALLY enjoyed the book

Toughie, but I’m going with Ring, by Stephen Baxter.

Best short story: They’re Made of Meat.

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