Favorite armor set?

I made a little trip into Heroic Blackrock Foundry over the weekend and picked up 6/8 of this set in one go - I kind of like it, not as good as the set I designed for her originally, but this one is pretty good too and a lot spookier.

Hmmm… Eyes Gallows up and down I’m gonna need your battle harness…and your hair

The Vestments of Faith will always be my favorite set. I don’t have any of the pieces, but I stare at characters who do with saddened doe eyes.

maghar orc heritage armor
trial of valor armor, all colors
arathi warfront plate armor for both horde and alliance is imo the best plate armor in the game

I would same the Dark Shaman Transmog that dropped in the shamans in MOP

Have a few favorites but my all time fave has to be the normal druid nighthold set.

Color is fabulous.

As many have already said, the pally tier 2 is absolutely iconic. There’s even a skin for Uther in HoTs with it.

My mog (banana suit).

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Oh yeah! I forgot about that vendor. Just hide shoulders and it might work. I can do the Blood Knight look on my BE Paladin. Thanks!

i say the naxx classic warrior set and the mythic dk set dreadwyrm

there are shoulders you can get

shoulders-Warmaul Epaulets, Expedition Mantle
helm-Faceguard of Determination
Chest-Demon-Forged Chestguard,Torn-Heart Family Tunic
Legs-Runed Sketh’lon Legplates

instant blood elf blood knight

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Mine is not really a set, but the “consortium” cloth pieces.

Usually these shared titles make an unofficial set, however when it comes down to the consortium ones they just don’t go together, you have oranges, reds, greens, browns, etc just littering the set. Every piece is a unique colour and it just mashes together horribly, and for that reason I love it ironically.

Needs a high res update.


Again thank you! I will have to look tomorrow and see what I am missing.

Depends a lot on Race/Gender of the class. But I like Ulduar Priest set, Ulduar or ICC Paladin, DK blues from starting zone and the rest I think I prefer homebrew transmogs.

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