Favorite accents in WoW?

Dwarf? Draenei? Gilnean? Pandaren? Trolls?

I’d probably say Gilnean. I’m American so it’s fun to listen to british accents and think “that could have been me if we hadn’t been so rebellious”.


Gilnean is the best
Just a shame to get it you need to be a worgen


Draenei; you can tell how bubbly and altruistic they are through their voices. They’re a truly happy-going people, which says a lot about their characters considering what they’ve been through.

Not just worgen, you have to be in human form. Believe me, I have my expressed my feelings about this in https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/why-does-fiona-get-a-normal-voice-and-other-worgen-dont

I would probably play a worgen just for their accents if there was a way to default back to human after combat ends

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Dwarvish accent is th’ best ah say, it’s th’ perfect tone ‘n’ mak’s everything juist sound sae muckle better. Juist think we cuid hae heard mair o’ this is britain juist shoved aff!

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It’s always been a bit weird to me that Orcs, instead of having something very distinctive, are pretty much if Klingons drove pickup trucks. Just enunciate, go hard on your consonants, and stay within that single middle-low octave. I do love me some goblin voices, though. Their NPCs always get to emote so vividly. Even Gazlowe’s relatively subdued approach to it has its charm. The Motherlode dungeon tweaks its goblin bosses’ voices really well.

I need a translater

pandaren have nice accents in their hair

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Pandaren, but I think I’m biased. Dranae is cool as well though.


I like the Trolls.

As annoying as he is, I loved the voice of Bwonsamdi.
Death chat starts at 1:12. Several of his phrases. Love it!!

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“Dwarvish accent is the best I say, it is the perfect tone and makes everything just sound so much better. Just think we could have heard more of this is Britain just shoved off!“

Translation completed…

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Thank you, kind robot. But I’m afraid I don’t have any quarters on me at the moment.

I deal in arms and legs…

I like void elves the most. They also sound very posh and british, and you don’t have to be worgen, which eliminates the pesky form swapping shenanigans.

Unfortunately that does limit your class choice however…

I’d say void elves are upper class british and worgen are closer to the common/country accent.

We need a race with an offensive French accent


“Good news, everyone! I think I’ve perfected a plague that will destroy all life on Azeroth!”

Mad scientist is an accent, right?

No but insanity is


He said: “Beer ham beard mutton beer tavern beer drink. Cheese ale stout mead whiskey bourbon beer beer.”

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I love the kul tiran ones, they just crack me up sometimes (all the time).