Fatescribe motion sickness

Has anyone else encountered an issue with motion sickness on this fight and if so how do you get around this? On normal difficulty you can just not be assigned to move the rings but beyond that it is RNG who has to do it. I had issues in SOO with motion sickness as well, but this is particularly uncomfortable. Any suggestions? Or am I just sitting this fight forever to avoid being sick?

Serious question. I wish I could just not get motion sickness but alas being told to get good doesn’t fix it

I can’t help you on this particular issue myself, but I just wanted to send some good motion sickness support group vibes. :woozy_face: I hope you find a solution, as these issues are not fun.

In most scenarios where I get motion sickness, sunglasses help.


From my experience on heroic, you still get more Runic Affinities than there are rings to move. Part of the hazard of the fight with bad coordination is having too many people volunteering themselves to do rings.

I got real bad motion sickness on Cyberpunk 2077,first time I’ve ever had that while playing games. I watched a YouTube video and found out alot of people did too. I played with the graphic settings and that stopped it for me.

Unfortunately I don’t know of a solution, but the good news is that you DO NOT have to ever be the only one doing it.

On heroic and mythic there will always be more people than needed for rings, except in the most unusual circumstance where every single ring requires the counterclockwise direction - for you to be forced to do it, you’d need to (1) get runic affinity, (2) have the worst possible number for scaling rings : runics, and (3) have > half the rings go CCW.

If you use a weakaura that assigns markers and your raid group is understanding, you can ask to be put low priority on rings where tanks and heals go, and only go if necessary.

Otherwise, is there a way you an adjust camera zoom to make it easier? Have you tried top-down view?

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Just wanted to update that the sunglasses and top down view make it tolerable. It’s definitely not as bad as Hans and Frans was in Siege, and I have to zoom way in to see less of the other rings moving if I have to run a rune.

Ty for the suggestions, esp the sunglasses. Still gives me a headache but no puking so I call that a win