Fated Raids

Hello again!

I would like to open a topic about Fated Raids.
In a recent interview on BlizzCon and specifically this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKZrpJAX0Wo Michael and Sean say that you guys know that players loved it.
I do have a very different experience and I am not talking about my personal preference rather that what feedback I get from people I raid with in my guild and other friendly guilds. Most of the people didn’t like Fated raids.

Can we have a discussion about the matter so you guys get proper feedback on this topic? I don’t know how actually people feel or they just did them as there was no other option. Also would love to see what kind of changes we may have and what might make Fated Raids work better if you guys decided to stick with them on every last expansion patch from now on.

Thanks for reading!


Max (RL/GM of Liquid) said it in a way that I think is a perfect statement in regards to fated.

As a bridge, it’s fine. Better than nothing, not super something to look forward too though. If it replaces a full blown raid tier its inexcusable


Fated raids feel like filler. Now offering limited time achievements for them like the ‘hero of fate’ title helps. But they feel like busy work.


I think fated seasons are a benefit since it is better than the alternative of no updates. It shakes it up a bit and for those that aren’t interested it is a good time to take a break which would be the case if fated didn’t exist to begin with. Though that is a problem unto itself but from the way they worded things this Blizzcon if they can actually release expansions faster then this could be the last “fated” season.

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Fated is better than a pure content drought but just barely. I’d rather have another raid tier and story to flesh everything out.

Knowing we are going to have a Fated season for Dragonflight is very disheartening. Like annoyingly so. With the way DF has gone storywise it just sucks. I guess we’ll see where they go since they said there are still pieces of content to release for DF.

Seeing they they are saying there will be faster expansion releases my takeaway is that they are going to be taking out cash quicker than normal with expansion purchases. I’m just annoyed overall with the way WoW is going tbh.


I liked them as a raid refresh, mount and title (cosmetics) gave some reason to do them when there was little left to do. However, Another raid tier or m+ season would be preferable. As a collective, my team had interest in them, until the new expansion was revealed (then everyone was shifting to preparation for that). I liked them a little bit but perhaps there is something else I might like better in it’s place.

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