Fatebound Hero Tree

Looks promising.

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Definitely looks way better then trickster. It still has some faults but I’m waiting for the official thread to post them.


Do you want to add a link or something?

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I wasnt going to bother since there will likely be a link in the OFFICIAL forum post I imagine we’ll receive shortly but since you don’t want to check wowhead yourself, here you go.

Wasn’t a big issue with Outlaw Rogues RNG on dice rolls.
So… now we’re having RNG on a literal coin flip?


Looks good for Sin, sounds interesting.

I like the sound of it. It looks more interesting than Trickster. I can’t wait to test it out in the Beta.

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I dont think there will be an offic8al forum post. Why i made the thread. Ty for posting link.

Its rng that so far reduces other rng tho

I mean every hero tree gets a thread so I think there will be, but the build was pushed very late so it might just not be till tomorrow.

Deaths arrival is the only cool thing in that tree, not sure why they went with flipping coin\dice roll stuff when people hated that the most from outlaw.


Kinda wish they’d done something to address assassination’s struggles in M+ and outlaw’s struggles with single target (historically, I mean, as it seems fine these days )

Taking the rng coin flips from outlaw’s dice doesn’t seem hugely satisfying to anyone, but guess we’ll see.


i mean outlaw uses one hand to roll the dice and the other hand to flip the coin, then just stares the enemy to death, as it either has 4 arms like Goro or nothing left to hold the swords with.

next expansion they will also expand into slot machines and card games, perhaps a sort of blackjack with combo points. go over 5, busted son, the house wins, you get a debuff.

indeed. the rest will be pretty passive though. uninspired, uncool, unobtrusive.
we can live with it. next please.


Ok ok ok. I wanna play with it of course but this tree actually feels like it’s working well? I actually like a lot of the concepts.

Fateful ending seems really cool and fun. The only thing that stinks about it as a glance is it’s RNG (kinda mitigated tho) and it’s a talent that loses value over time as people get more geared and fights get shorter.


as a sin main pvpr i hope the uther tree is way bettar then this 1


After testing it, it definitely is pretty nasty. Ill have some data to show on a big write up but its definitely a cool mini game that works well for rogue. The buffs are easy to track, have a good visual and the damage stacking is decently reliable.

The fatebound coin echoes your envenom / rupture/ dispatch and hits hard but im trying to graph if it scaling off of amps or not. For reference, a non crit small envenom at 6cp in leveling gear on a dummy is doing 46k.


  • The coin at 4 stacks does 65k -84k crits and cosmic damage so one would think vulnerabilities such as shiv amp by 30% would affect that as well but probably isn’t intended to (safe if so).


  • 5% damage amp (before pvp tuning and whatever else they have planned) pretty much consistently got to 4/5/6 reliably based on talents and not using deathmark / envenom / adrenaline rush to force the hand of fate to grant 2 matches.

When using true stealth It was pretty straightforward when planning well where I saw up to 11 stacks as highest, middle of 7, and lowest of 3 I think. (Will have a bunch of notes to share with our kind to discuss).

It was definitely cool to play and definitely had punch on all abilities regardless of the rolls. The cosmic damage hit currently doesn’t have a visual (probably WIP) but definitely added a lot of bonus damage in a unique way. It seems the higher I got in my count of stacks, the less variation and more matches were granted.
(Usually 4-5 stacks and after that was able to “decently” get to 8 stacks if using all and not purposely using envenom only).


Thematically it sounds really cool, but I have the feeling that either the devs have no clue what they are doing, or they are really bad at communicating that Outlaw is getting an immense rework…

35% more damage if blade flurry is not active… This has got to be a joke right?

Also not sure how I feel about tracking yet another RNG buff, they better prune the heck out of the current state if they intent both hero specs to add even more. Having to track up to 13 combat buffs is already way too much.


as i understand it, the idea of the tree, if you want to keep flipping the same side, is to spam the same finisher, right?

though i guess in practice you will want to press whatever you have to press, and not chain envenoms endlessly, you’ll have to risk a rupture at some point. at a minimum

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Its not guaranteed to flip the same coin its just a higher chance if you spam chain envenoms. its hard to tell what the %s are (is it 50%+33% or is it 33% increase OF 50% which would be additional 16%).

Either way, still waiting for the official fatebound post :angry:

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i suppose the numbers are the easiest to tune. they are probably in flux
but the variation in dps based on rng will be quite high
someone who got 10 in a row will be way ahead of someone who can’t get past 3-4


I had that feeling for sin, but I don’t think there will be much variance for outlaw. Outlaw uses about 10X the finishers of assassination a fight. You will be throwing hundreds of coins as outlaw which will go a long way to normalizing the variance of flips.

This tree definitely seems heavily designed with outlaw in mind compared to assassination. Other then the BF node which seems like an oversite or arrow pointing to a redesign of UHUH, so many of these nodes sin barely interacts with.

Like sin will proc the “breaking stealth” and “major cd” node at the start of the fight, and every 2 minutes after. Outlaw procs these nodes every… 20-30 seconds.

This tree seems very boring from a assassination PoV to me just because you throw so few coins in general, so hopefully they tune up how many coins you throw just for them somehow.