Fate Weaver no charges

Got my fate weaver a couple of days ago at 603 with 0 charges. Seems like a couple of people are having issues with this item and there’s no way to get charges on the item so it’s just bricked. Tried opening a GM ticket with no luck, they just keep telling me to post a bug report


+1 to this, very annoying

I also got the same problem. Where do I report this bug?

Got the same bug. Already reported through ingame ticket and bug report. No answer yet since i did it today. Tried doing the same delve for a charge, but nothing, tried upgrading the offhand but nothing, maybe we just need to wait, either way the weapon is not bis anymore :frowning:

Yea been trying for a week to get a GM to response with something helpful that isn’t just copy, paste, we can’t do anything.

They just keep telling me to report the bug, but someone’s gotta actually go and change these items to have 1 charge again.