Fate of Sylvanas

As much as I dislike the idea of it, I’ve come to terms with the fact that the hunt for Sylvanas will be successful and will likely end in her demise. (though how permanent it will be is unknown)

This is pretty much straight out told to us by Varimathras: So, your Alliance still endures. Longer than I expected, though she has already planted the seeds of its downfall. She is patient, that one.
When your thrones run red with betrayal… when your holy places burn and the shattered mask hangs above your hearth… only then you will know. And it will be too late.
It matters not. You are blind to the true darkness closing in around you.

I’d say at the moment thrones run red with betrayal may refer to the end of the war in BFA when she “betrayed” the horde as the horde side refers to the mantle of warchief as your throne of hides and bones.

Holy places burn is obviously Teldrassil, so that leaves the shattered mask portion. Firstly the shattered mask is obviously Sylvanas herself, but it says it hangs above your hearth. At first I read posts speculating this as a symbol of conquest but as we know the war didn’t go in that narrative direction. A hearth is the open front of a fireplace, and what type of items normally hang above one’s hearth is often either sentimental objects, not likely sentimental if it refers to a war that devastated both faction, or trophies.

This entire statement likely predicts Sylvanas’ fall as one would celebrate a successful hunt by placing a trophy of your prey over your fireplace, especially in celebrations where you intend to display your conquest.

What the statement intends by stating the the seeds of the Alliance’s downfall being planted may point to another quote by N’zoth: The Light has struck a bargain with the enemy of all. How ironic would it be if the Jailer and Sylvanas by association (they are the enemy of all currently) had struck a bargain with the Light. It would shake the foundation of the Alliance’s faith, the faith of it’s king, but also could explain the quote: The boy-king serves at the master’s table. Three lies will he offer you. This, I believe, would be the start of the Alliance internal struggle.

Have you been playing the game? No way will Sylvanas ever lose. She can 1v1 the Lich King and beat Saurfang only sustaining a tiny scratch on her eye.

Which is why I said it may not be a permanent one.

Varimathras the Dreadlord? That last appeared corpse-like and in chains? That Varimathras?


Yeah, the one last seen in Legion.

If they actually kill her I’ll be shocked. More likely is we’ll kill the jailer and she’ll be forced to take his place or we’ll have to suffer some hamfisted, silly 'I was killing and sending all these innocent people to wow hell for a secretly not evil reason!..that just coincidentally also served my long-standing goal of avoiding death and going to wow hell myself".

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Whos gonna kill her?
The only person able to kill her is Jaina, the rest are looking bad in the power scale.
Anduin is no dueler.
Greymane is just strenght and no brain(or magic).
Thrall is old. Lor’Themar is super old.
Turalyon had his swing stopped by Illidan’s bare hands

Na Sylvanas is gonno turn out to be the hero who saved us from the real jailers of the world.

It only took 20 people or so to kill an Old God. Doubt sylvanus has power to match that. She just runs from every fight she gets overwhelmed in like a smart person.

I like the idea that she’ll end up imprisoned on Azeroth forever, that someone suggested in another thread. because of her saying, “this world is a prison”, and she ends up in a literal one. similar to how Illidan was imprisoned until Tyrande let him out

killing her at this point would just be kind of anticlimatic.

Kill her and move on .

nah… blizz aint gonna off one of their longest standing and most popular characters like that, you just know they are gonna give her some sort of ham-fisted redemption arc. or will try and pull something “clever” like have her “secretly trying to save azeroth all along” or something.
although honestly, character assassination to that degree is probably worse than any way they could have legitimately killed her off.

(my bet has recently come round to them trying to work in some sort of “split soul” thing like they set up with uther)

It is unlikely Sylvanas will face any consequence. The most likely outcome if you’ve paid attention to how the writing team writes Sylvanas, is Sylvanas will win.

And her victory will be at the cost of her alliance with The Jailer. They’re using each other to achieve whatever goals they both have. And per usual, Sylvanas will come out ontop.

She will get what she wants, and it will be to our benefit, even though she did it for herself.

Save this post. Come back when i’m right.


They did with voljin , thrall and Cairne.

Right now sylvanas popularity is going down while the time is passing tbh.

I hope they kill her ; i used to like her but they just destroyed her character with using it ALL THE TIME.

Sylvanas was supose to be always in the shadows. Now is just a karen.

Arthas: “So there I was… enjoying my time-travelling adventure in Bill and Ted’s stolen Phone Booth, cameoing and seeding my creation in successful films and serving as the type-cast for Elric Melnibone, when I heard a sound like an entire fanbase screaming in rage across the gulf of time. Well it was either that or it was Baby Mario…”

“Being the infinitely merciful King I am, I got back in my stolen Phone booth, making sure to first steal an unbroken version of Frostmourne from the Dreadlords while Mal’ganis slept (PS: Nerf Fordring Blizz, tyvm). I then promptly reanimated E.T. so I could phone home.”

“…I had scarce stepped out of the phone-booth when the most incredible thing happened to me. A blonde High Elf charged me, seemingly attracted to my former status as a Male Human Paladin. Acting swiftly I did what any human would. I impaled her on my sword and defiled her soul!”

“In hind sight, I really should of thought this through…”

“It was then that a strange old man approached me, and told me something-something paradox.”

“So I got in his car and drove back in time to do it all over again…”

"As I was leaving I realized something. Lord Godfrey had killed her yet again".

“So I went home.”

PS: "Buy my book when it hits Sanctuary, and tell Blizzard not to create Darkwolf-- er Rexxar.

For… reasons."

-Arthas Menethil, Memoirs of the Once and Future Tyrant (Chapter 12)

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