I did the Dark shore scenario, and the war campaign , But the quest giver on the Bansheewail ship never showed up
I also completed the Dark shore scenario, I am on meet Gallywix at Bilgewater Bonanza. I did not find the Dark Ranger on the ship or on the dock near the table that shows the contributions for the war fronts.
I am on Aryeha, on the Argos server, who is exalted with The Honorbound and the Zandalari Empire. And, revered with Talanji’s Expedition and Voldunai.
Ok so its not just me. And also i see that bonus rolls are not working
Same with me all quests done but nothing on the ship. Can we get a Blizz to say something!!!
In General Discussion there is also a post and a moderator posted a video of the Dark Ranger. On that video Zelling is not standing next to Brightcaller while on my screen Zelling is standing next to Brightcaller. I do not know if this is connected.
Save us, GMs, you’re our only hope.
Just dropping a post here to say that I too am experiencing this issue. I completed the Darkshore intro quests, as well as the latest war campaign chain, and the quest NPC doesn’t show up.
The War Campaign is time gated.
Yes, I’m sure everyone here is fully aware of this. However, there was never any word about the Saurfang quest chain, and whether it was also time gated or attached to the war campaign in some sort of way. All anyone here knows is that the Saurfang quest chain is missing, and there’s currently no explanation for it from a CM or Dev.
I thought it was part of the War Campaign. BTW, you are probably not gonna get a blue response here. QA only posts if they have more questions, you would be better asking on General Discussion.
I would think it would be a bug if some people can see the quest giver and some people can not see the quest giver unless there is something you need to complete before you start the quest. So far I have not seen anything and I have checked General Discussion also.
I asked in General Chat today and was point to the area by the war table on the dock as the Dark Ranger location - this was where he found her.
I know i’m confused as well. Wowhead has the quest live right now / SignsofKalena (popular YT) and he shows it as live. I’ve heard other people doing it… Wish we had an answer one way or the other.
Aye, likely not. Despite my “post count” showing such a low number, this isn’t my first foray in the support forums. I was merely posting to say “me too” with regards to the Saurfang quest chain missing, nothing more
As for General Discussion, there’s a small number of threads on that forum about it, none of which have garnered any CM/Dev responses (hence why I mentioned it above, sorry for the confusion).
That’s what I’m wondering. I completed the 8.0 war campaign, and have loremaster. I’m not sure what else would be needed to see the NPC.
I am having the same problem. I read, as mentioned above, that some people are able to get it and alot are not.
Not getting this quest as well…
I checked again this morning, the quest from the Dark Ranger was still not visible.
I received a response from a GM today on my ticket regarding The Fate of Saurfang quest. I was told that the quest is NOT available to anyone, yet have read others are doing it. So, still in limbo.
I also had a reply.
This is Ritorack - thanks so much for taking the time to write to us about the Saurfang questline in 8.1. I am really sorry if this has caused any confusion especially if you’ve been seeing conflicting information about this. But don’t worry, I can get things situated.
At present, the new 8.1 quest chain is not available yet. Those that saw it, may remember it from the PTR, but the live game itself does not have these quests quite yet. More stories and quests will unfold as the expansion rolls on and I hope that you’re just as excited as we are to experience it for yourself!
If you’ve anything else for us, please let us know!"
Thanks for sharing, Fleana. At least we have a confirmed bit of information now. Guess we’ll just have to wait. I really couldn’t have cared less for Gallywix’s & Mekkatorque’s peen contest, I have zero vested interest in either of them, and wish we could have gotten what we’ve been asking for since the expansion dropped: Saurfang and Sylvanas facetime.
They should have said something because they made it seem like This quest was going to be available right away. Oh well, I should be surprised any more at how bad Blizzard has become