Faster Legendary Cloak Upgrades

You can’t catch to people with one week’s worth of 8.3 content ?

You are equating catching up to said resistance to world first raiding that has preparation up the wazoo.

I think all those carries you’ve done is getting to your head.


They can’t swalsh because if they really want it, they’ll do it

how is this faster?? theres still a 2 per week cap

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Exactly, I misread and then went back and caught that bit of it still being 2 per week. Not exactly faster.

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Blizzard before you implement the Hot Fix. Many people are confused with the wording of your post. Does this mean we are still locked behind 2 malefic cores per week and it will still take people that just leveled their cloak to 15, 15 weeks to catch up to others, or can we buy our malefic cores all at once (the echoes are still a time gate in itself)?

It is faster

If I’m reading it correctly, you get two cores from vendor and then your typical N’Zoth and visions cores

4 a week, why is this a problem

This solution is fine if it is what they meant.

You aren’t, I made the same mistake.
Unless they state otherwise, it reads clearly that there is a cap of 2 but just having more ways of gaining the 2.

“We’ve provided a catchup mechanism so you can rank up your cloak faster and use more corruptions, but you won’t be able to buy those corruptions, because it uses the same currency.”


So then this means you don’t have to do N’Zoth and can just do a 0 mask and spend 2000 echoes

Don’t see the problem since many wouldn’t do normal N’Zoth

IF you are reading it correctly. Another way to read it, from the statement in the first paragraph is that you are still limited to two total cores per week. I.e. you can get one from a full clear, and then another by purchasing with echoes if you don’t kill Nzoth.

My first read of it made it seem like it would just be unlimited purchases until caught up. But now I’m not so sure.

Obviously people are confused by exactly what this now means, as if its still just 2/week, its not really an improvement.

I just ran the math. On my DK alt I hit 120 2 weeks ago. I am now 462 ilvl. I’ve bought 1 rank 3 essence and 2 of the stat amp corruptions I will need. This still leaves me with a MASSIVE 60,500 echoes needed to catch up.

Thats 81 visions, for reference. Or 242 days of emissaries. Obviously you can get echoes from a variety of sources but the general magnitude of 60,500 is unreasonable. Thats just to CATCH UP. My reward for all of that time isnt being fully bis or anything, no. My reward is to finally be on level a playing field with my friends and guildies that played since the start of 8.3.

I do not understand how blizzard consistently goes about fixing a problem in the least helpful way possible according to any metric but time spent in game. All they had to do was let us get as many as we want from doing multiple full clears of a vision (which is already naturally time gated by coalescing visions), but instead we get an even more bloated currency tied to every single meaningful form of character progression available outside of ilvl.


Yes, you don’t see a problem, you never do and that’s fine. Other’s do because it’s a clickbait title that doesn’t make things quicker.

Still 2 cores. Visions/N’zoth is still quicker than grinding echoes.

Not sure how much simpler I can explain that to you.


THANK YOU. Better late then never, I guess. Won’t lie, this just reminds me of the purchasable legendary feature from Legion which also came way, way too late. Just start doing this stuff earlier and people will be so much happier!

EDIT: Oh… wait, so we can still only have 2 cores per week?

“This will be repeatable, up to the maximum that you could have otherwise earned via weekly Horrific Visions or from N’Zoth the Corruptor.”

So… instead of doing my full clear (easy for anyone with a +15 cloak) and waiting around for a Nzoth kill… I can just spend hard farmed echoes, which could feasibly take much longer than either of the other options? This isn’t much of an improvement when the main issue I’ve seen voiced has been the LIMIT not the method of obtaining them.

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So I have to still do visions until rank 15 or can I buy one a week to get to rank 15?

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This won’t change anything for getting your cloak up to Rank 15. Malefic cores only add +3 resistance to the cloak.

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Specifics blue specifics !!!

OK thanks, this will not help me, but i wanted to check. I will not do visions again. Dam I was all excited I could finally level it without visions, but sadly it does not work this way. Oh well no loss really.

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I dont mind grinding the echoes. I mind not being able to catch up. 2 per week max is garbage.

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