Faster Cloak Ranking and More Echoes of Ny'Alotha are now Live

Your opinion is the equivalent of used toilet paper.


I’d say the same with your rant too but I didn’t bother mentioning that

Please just use a different currency for the corruptions to make it fair across the board.

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agreed. they should reset echoes as well.

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Then the “I can’t believe all my hard work grinding essences are for nothing” threads would appear


Why did you remove the ability to get these from characters who don’t have the cloak? You basically have to go back and get essences the old way on new characters now or struggle through those assaults with the one rank 1 you auto get.

That makes totally no sense whatsoever.

I now have a character without the cloak that was short one day for getting an essence.


Will we be able to purchase the raid specific corruptions at some point from the vendor like the lash of the void or whispering truths for example?

That was quick! Nice job!

1470 plus posts lmao. Useless troll and Blizzard shill.


Not sure why you think my post count matters honestly

Anyone can be a “blizzard shill” when you don’t like them, that I know for sure

Except that doesn’t say to buy your stuff now

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It also meant be prepared for an upcoming change with announcement soon

Then why didn’t you?

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Because that kind of scenario doesn’t exist

The fact that players actually playing the game and unlocking all r3 essences prior to echoes even being a thing are being punished on their main characters for being 10s of 1000s behind in said currency is an absolute joke. Should’ve reset echoes entirely with this update and put all on an even playing field.


So just be prepared for any and everything?

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Can you guys please consider giving a bit more warning about upcoming changes?

You guys don’t share any details of changes/features to come because you don’t want to get caught ‘lying’ or ‘making promises’ should anything change in the iterative process. The irony is that, more often than not, your implementation is still horrible/poorly timed.

The catch up system for Legion legendaries is a system that should’ve existed with the launch patch, or should’ve been the main method of acquisition.

Players told you guys ahead of time that Azerite was a bad idea. You plowed through regardless.

Players told you that they wanted account wide essences. You guys (seemingly begrudgingly) relented by introducing a modified version of the Legion legendary catch up system, something that again should have existed at the start.

Players told you that McForging is a bad system. You replaced it with a worse corruptforging system that is as poorly balanced as it is punishing.

We can now target corruptions, but only on gear that isn’t already corrupted. So let me get this straight, previously we had to hope rng aligned to give out corruption at all, now we have to hope for gear that DOESN’T corrupt? This system is literally competing against itself, that is straight up bad design.

Honestly, what does cloak catch up even matter when all anybody can get is a pitiful three resistance a week? What are you guys gonna do next month to keep people subbed? Perhaps a surprise buff to overall corruption resistance so people can finally have fun equipping more than one T3 piece without seriously compromising their character? Yet another example of how the system should’ve been designed at implementation instead of months down the line?

It’s almost as if you guys are making deliberately punitive systems and using slow timed ease of restriction as a retention mechanic.

Whatever the case, I’m tired of this company’s lack of transparency and its curious indifference towards player feedback.


And WHY, precisely couldn’t you earn echoes? They’re rewarded for pretty much damn near everything in 8.3.

If you were actually playing the game you did not have a chance to get echoes if you had no r3s missing on said character that you had on other characters.


I saw the blue post when I logged in this morning to see why server was down. Never got e-mail even though options are turned on for account.