Fast Footwork

the Fast footwork talent says it adds 5% movement speed. But it does not show up in character stats with other speed buffs? the leech on other side does.


Hmmm, seems worth a test. Could be bugged. Good catch.

I notice the leech effect goes in and out of showing its effect in the stat window as well.

Default character sheet only shows speed from tertiary, and not % increases.

are there other talents or abilities that add speed that does not show?

Anything that adds a % and not the speed stat itself will not show in the character sheet. The 5% and 3% movement speed gems are another example that do not show, whereas the +13 speed per shadowlands gem does. You can use the GetUnitSpeed function to view your current speed, though you have to be moving when you call it.
/script print(string.format(“Current speed: %d%%”, GetUnitSpeed(“player”) / 7 * 100))

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thanks. shows same speed with and without the talent so I guess it is bugged

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Nice find. Let’s get this reported.

Both smf and fast footwork correctly grant their respective 5% bonuses. It gets your current movement speed, so if you are not moving, it will show 0%. you need to be moving.

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Hey, Battlecruisr!
Thanks for your help, but do you agree its a good idea to show the % in the character sheet? Its a simple information. So if it is working fine, the only problem is to show the information. Its a good idea and maybe simple to correct it.
i dont know if you are from blizz team, btw…

I tested the script. The talent change the speed from 110% to 115% (for me with enchants, etc).
So, the talent is working but dont show the numbers in the char stats.
I think its easier to blizz show it than all the players (users) execute scripts. hhaha

It’d be nice if blizzard did a lot of things, but the character sheet gets worse and worse, showing less and less useful information all the time. I just use DejaCharacterStats. Just thought it’d be easier months ago to link an api script rather than suggesting everyone go download an addon and having people question the addons validity.

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For you guys who have gone the high move speed path, how do you like it? I ask because I don’t feel like I need to run around faster, but maybe you guys live it. I didn’t think I would like bonus rage cap, but I do.

In high keys being able to side step fast is crucial, especially when you want to squeeze every ounce of damage while on your spear

It was incredible back when I cleared CE in Sanctum of Domination. Speed also generally translates most directly to uptime for DPS. The later you need to peel for a mechanic, and the faster you get back from it, the more DPS you can do. Furthermore, it can increase the buffer for handling other mechanics, such as repositioning sooner, or being able to reliably spread further.

I love it, though I’ve recently switched to Avoidance for keys, and Leech for PvP to try them out. I don’t think there’s any wrong answer.

As an aside, Fast Footwork was giving me only 3% last I looked.

Nice nice, valid points. I guess I never think about running away from things, only charging towards them.