As title says. I’d love to see Tauren players showing off their glorious and creative fashion choices. I found it pretty challenging to come u with proper looks for Tauren as there isn’t much stuff to find in game, and the only truly themed Tauren stuff was druid tier.
But I saw all the extra customization options for Highmountain Tauren and I’m in love.
So Dear Cowbabies show your beautiful looks!
I’ve seen some great mogs for them, but these are the only two I currently have. I can’t wait for more sarongs!
The druid needs work, but I also need to level him!
Tauren Pirates are always a great sight!
I thought it was befitting. I’ve been waiting for Tauren rogues since Vanilla, so naturally he’s a pirate.
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I still remember that lad from Booty Bay. He really was memorable.
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If druids could use guns:

What was the idea behind this mog?
Kind of a withered druid. That and I just like a mix of blue white and light purple.
I like making themes of two main colors on outfits.
I have a yellow, green, red, and blue ones. Most were when I was playing my tauren monk. Leather has so many nice mogs.
I identify as a tauren and i think i look badass.
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“Clothes maketh the man” is an old proverb relating how one dresses may influence how others perceive them. But in my case I dare say “Clothes maketh the bull.”
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Hard to say how you look like when you profile is hidden. But I’d say by virtue of being Zandalari you deffinietly look great.
I have every class a tauren and HMT can be to max level but not all of them have “creative” mogs. Some are wearing sets. Here are my non-set taurens/HMTs:
Tauren Death Knight
Tauren Mage
Tauren Paladin
Future HMT Paladin
Tauren Druid
HMT Druid
Tauren Warlock
Tauren Rogue
Tauren Shaman
Tauren Priest (Not crazy about this mog. Built it around the Frostscythe. Might change it)
Tauren Monk
HMT Hunter
HMT Shaman
HMT Monk
HMT Druid
HMT Priest
It’s hard to look bad in this set.
Until Gnomes, Goblins, Vulpera can be Paladins at least…
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I mean they need like a barbecue sauce mog. Or maybe some kind of lettuce loincloth
I see that you’re a bull of culture. ^^ Very classy.
i dont think u have enough taurens.
I have more but I didn’t link them cause they’re wearing full sets.
That is one dedicated player.
Hats off for a true Tauren player, who loves them so much that made so many of them. It’s a rare sight!
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