Farseers ancestors are visually underwhelming

Can barely see them. It’s not a flashy spell at all. Not sure if anyone really cares about this or not. I kinda did.

Grandpas need a glow-up alongside the Ascendance Model.


I agree they look terrible.

It’s sad because I feel like going all the way back to WoD there were ancestor spirits and ghosts that looked much better.

Man, it’s better then what hunter gets with Pack Leader, which is zero visuals. You will never know you have a Pack Leader in your group.

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If that bothers you don’t look at demo. They have all these unique demons firing cool stuff all over the place


Theres a Trinket from Azure Vault that summons clones to cast spells. I figured the Ancestors would essentially look like that in animation. Am I wrong?

Their spells are all instant cast and they only cast them when you finish casting a spell so they kind of awkwardly float around following you and then fire off instant bolts.

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This is an extremely common opinion. Now let us proceed to watch literally nothing be done about it for several years.


Wouldn’t surprise me if they did a rework to it.

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Personally, I would have preferred Ancestors visuals like in Orc Heritage Quest.

Visually way better the the weird faded Ancestors we get with the Hero Spec. Honestly not sure why they didn’t just stick the the Ghost Ancestors visuals we already seen.


Ancestors should’ve ideally worked like Treents do for Rdruid. We get 3 charges with like 20sec CDs and we can decide when they spawn. They can instantly cast a spec-specific spell on summon, and then replicate our spells while they’re active. Granted, they would likely need their power tuned down a bit, but this feels more active.


We don’t get 3 charges like druids, but you can pretty much always have one up, right? Unleash life is a 15 second cd, spawns one for 12 seconds. Swiftness is a 30 second cd, and spawns one for 6 seconds. That’s not including the 15% proc rate on riptide, and 20% proc rate from grandpas fading to call in another. With the Riptide cd reduction on grandpas spawn, and the extra charge on riptide in the tree. I think we will be more than ok, and can spawn one on demand if needed.