Farseer Shaman Specializations: Elemental and Restoration

So these Hero Talents looks like it’s just about Calling on a “Pet” or Ancestor to help you out like Mages do with Water Elemental. They will either heal or do damage. From what I gather this seems to add more to Fire spells like Lava Burst giving it another charge. I would assume Stormbringer will be the Lightning equal to this but relying more so on spells then another “pet”.


Call of the Ancestors: Primordial Wave (Elemental) or Unleash Life (Restoration) calls an Ancestor to your side for 6 seconds. Whenever you cast a healing or damaging spell, the Ancestor will cast a similar spell.


Choice Node: Latent Wisdom and Ancient Fellowship

  • Latent Wisdom: Your Ancestors’ spells are 20% more powerful.

  • Ancient Fellowship: Ancestors have a 15% chance to call another Ancestor when they expire.

Choice Node: Heed My Call and Routine Communication

  • Heed My Call: Ancestors last an additional 2 seconds.

  • Routine Communication: Lava Burst casts have an 8% chance to call an Ancestor (Elemental). Riptide has a 15% chance to call an Ancestor (Restoration).

  • Elemental Reverb: Lava Burst gains an additional charge and deals 5% increased damage (Elemental). Riptide gains an additional charge and heals for 5% more (Restoration).


Offering from Beyond: When an Ancestor is called, they reduce the cooldown of Fire Elemental and Storm Elemental by 10 seconds (Elemental) or Riptide by 2 seconds (Restoration).

Primordial Capacity: Increases your maximum Maelstrom by 25 (Elemental). Increases your maximum mana by 5% (Restoration).

Spiritwalker’s Momentum: Using spells with a cast time increases the duration of Spiritwalker’s Grace and Spiritwalker’s Aegis by 1 second, up to a maximum of 4 seconds.


Choice Node: Nature Harmony and Earthen Communion

  • Natural Harmony: Reduces the cooldown of Nature’s Guardian by 10 seconds and causes it to heal for an additional 5% of your maximum health.

  • Earthen Communion: Earth Shield has an additional 3 charges and heals you for 25% more.

Maelstrom Supremacy: Increases the damage of Earth Shock, Elemental Blast, and Earthquake by 8% (Elemental). Increases the healing done by Healing Wave, Healing Surge, Wellspring, Downpour, and Chain Heal by 8% (Restoration).

Final Calling: When an Ancestor expires, they cast Elemental Blast on a nearby enemy (Elemental). When an Ancestor expires, they cast Hydrobubble on a nearby injured ally (Restoration).

  • Hydrobubble: Surrounds your target in a protective water bubble for 10 seconds. The shield absorbs incoming damage, but the absorb amount decays fully over its duration.


Ancestral Swiftness: Your next healing or damaging spell within 10 seconds is instant and deals 10% increased damage and healing. If you know Nature’s Swiftness, it is replaced by Ancestral Swiftness and causes Ancestral Swiftness to call an Ancestor to your side. Active ability. 45 second cooldown.

Its literally a reskin of monk abilities! What hot garbage!

so TLDR Farseer is just a weaker version of Venthyr : Fllen Order (stolen from monks), Weaker version of Life Cacoon ( stolen from monks) and a button that does the same thing but sommons 1 ancestor.

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This does absolutely nothing other then damage buff for spells, unlike other hero talents. Yet again Blizz fails the Shaman class because they have no idea what to do with the class or a direction they want to go.


Ancestor needs to be longer, Unleash Life needs to be baseline and while it has a solid footing it’s just too generic and bland.

It doesn’t answer questions many shamans have had for ages, doesn’t address specific concerns either.

So Blizz will either have to revamp our talent trees drastically or this hero tree will be merely “ok” compared to other ones.

this is just druid trees with the single worst cap stone I think I’ve ever read. I think I like Oracle priest better.

Its pretty uninspired. You do things you normally do and then you summon a pet that you wont ever pay attention to.

Here is to hoping that this one is just designed to be the passive/easy one for casuals who hate extra interactions

Correct me I am wrong, but it also looks like Farseer will based a lot on Riptide. Currently we have a node that gives us a 2nd charge of LB and Riptide. If thats still an option, and this Routine Communication is applied to it, thats 2 riptides, with 6 sec recharges, and the 15% chance of bringing in an ancestor? If primordial wave counts and applies riptide as well, thats a 3rd possibility of proc’ing an ancestor. Does that math out correctly?

And dont we already have a choice node currently, that summons an ancestor based off our crits or something, at the bottom left of the resto tree?

See thats what hasn’t been answered. I’m assuming that Lava Burst will proc Ancestors Only for Elemental and Riptide only for Resto. But we have no idea what the cap is for how many Ancestors we can have out is. From this tree it looks like 2 with a maybe an additional one. But yes for resto this will be based on Riptide.

If were talking about proccing random ancestors off of riptide, which themselves essential mimic our heals, say like chain heal, and proccing the ancestor seems mathematically certain and often, that would be some insane healing going out. Throw in ascendance for the “oh crap” moments, and were talking some serious HPS throughput.

Im not overly excited about the hero talents bc they dont…in fact…seem exciting, but the heals do sound pretty solid snd simple. I was just hoping farseer allowed Rsham to dish out more DPS

But we don’t know what cap of how many Ancestor’s we can have out or what extra healing or DPS for elemental they can do ATM. We don’t know if we as players benefit from what they do or if they are just mindless pets that just cast.

I know i know, and its all moot and subjective, now, and even during TWW bc there are always adjustments. I was really looking for that “fall in love with my shaman” again feeling lol.

I was wishing that with TWW would have giving the shaman a rework they needed because we’ve been put on the backburner for most of Dragonflight. This would have been the perfect time to give shaman to all races and done the class rework that was sorely needed. I can’t wait for Worgen Shaman. I miss playing MOP Ele were I didn’t have to deal with Frost Shock nor Icefury.

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I would love a human shaman…and some other things. We will continue to be big dreamers, I believe.

We’ve needed the rework more than really any of the other classes that got reworked this expansion, but for some reason Shaman is always slept on by the developers in favor of other specs.