Farming shoulders for 6 years

Remember when WoWcrendor asked for a SoO skip 9 months ago

Oh…I member


screenshots or it didn’t happen.

drop rates for things in this game are so piss poor by the time i do get something i no longer feel the joy i should all i feel is its about dam time


It’s been 16+ years and I still don’t have Netherwind Gloves.

I didnt think those shoulders were available to get anymore.

If you aren’t having fun, why are you doing it?


It was changed a good while back to only need one tower
thank the stars.

Just remember ion’s words the loot will feel meaningful ya rite lol. I don’t grind for crap now like that guess what I have fun when I play.

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Iv been farming Xavius shoulders for a while , i think its a 1% drop …


and I thought that the problems came only for the Mounts and Legendarie items.

It’s alright, homie, I’ll support your cause because, while I understand mounts taking years to drop, for whatever reason transmog items taking years to drop feels… wrong…? Or perhaps I’m simply sick of killing Magmadar. Either way, you have my vote.

And before nerds hit me with “ERR RNG, ERRR DUNT DEW IT DEN, ERRRR,” I spent 8-9 years farming Invincible on 11 characters/week before finally getting it. I used it twice before swapping back to my main mount.

P.S. I can legitimately say that no, it wasn’t worth the grind. Even for someone that was clearing the content back then. Not even the nostalgia saved it.


Yeah and blizzard try to tell us the RNG story, just not true, they orchestrate it so that the week you would have got them, you didn’t because you weren’t there. They absolutely know when stuff will drop for you. It’s how they keep you subscribing.

Nah there is no FOMO in Dragonflight. It completely eliminated the concept I have been told.

They’re still listed in the loot table so I assume they are. Hope so cause I farm them also from time to time.

Keep at it, you’ll get it eventually. If everyone had it, it would lose its luster.

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had shoulders drop on a leatherwearer when i was looking for other stuff… havnt been in that instance since

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I feel that on some Ashes of Alar… I would gladly give you Invincible but I cant see it so

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RNG gods giveth, and taketh away.


How you get so many likes in every thread idk. Maybe your alts?

You are literally in every complaint thread with some snarky comment.

You have a problem.