Farming mounts for "Thanks for the Carry!"

I am currently at 472/500 mounts and wondering what mounts are the quickest to get to finish this achievement and get the Otterworldly Ottuk Carrier.

My SimpleArmory page is here:

I am looking for mounts that I don’t already have that are relatively easy to get, aren’t expensive, or that can be attempted multiple times a day.

Currently, I am trying to get the last direhorn from the Zandalari Warbringers in Pandaria: the Jade one eludes me. Just kidding it finally dropped after 35 attempts.

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I would highly suggest doing the set up for the garrison stables and clearing those out. Though considering how the level squish has affected things, it might be annoying af without a tank alt you can level through that content

I do think I have a character that played back in WoD that has those partially done, actually.

Second the Garrison stables suggestion. I’d also suggest working on rep grinds and/or daily-related stuff, like Big Slick in the City or Dead Blanchy. You’ve got mounts available from multiple factions across multiple expansions, going back to Cataclysm. Also, Argent Tournament. Yes, the jousting dailies are annoying. Do 'em anyway.

The mount from the second boss in Antorus drops on all difficulties, including LFR.

Ah yes, the Antoran Charhound. As far as Cataclysm factions goes, I really don’t want to spend months grinding rep with the Tol Barad faction and get like 165+ Tol Barad commendations lol

I took a better look and some other suggestions I can give are:

If you can handle some grinding at a time, mythic islands are stupid easy to chain and you can solo queue them.

If you’re looking to round out world bosses in pandaria, you can also see about getting your archaeology up to be able to take advantage of pandaria digs. These are pretty much the tried and true go to for when you need to farm other archaeology projects for specific items, and is the most time effective when you have the map to reshuffle. But this would effectively hit:
-Scepter (restored artifact exchanges)
-Fossilized raptor (restored artifact exchanges)
-Sha and Galleon
-The three rares you need, whenever mogu warring clans is up in vale assault.
-You could even add dominance offensive rep grinding to this (i would wait until MOP tw though for the rep buff, which will be… the 17th.)

And if you have any legion era alts with their order halls set up and reps at exalted, you could even prep farm rep badges for next week to try and get as many paragon box attempts as possible.

I think I’m like, just into Revered with Dominance Offensive and I’m only on the “Someone You Should See” quest, I wonder if I’d get enough rep to keep up with it.

Oh if you’re at revered then you have the 100% bonus unlock. I definitely remember the grind to revered taking longer than revered to exalted because of that, so you prob can. This whole section is best when you can jump to something else for a bit, because wow does grinding just digsites get painfully, painfully boring without a good series or something to catch up on.

Yeah, I have the bonus rep. I got about 2000 rep doing Someone You Should See through De-Subjugation.


I completed the Paladin Order Hall campaign, as Paladins have 6 class-specific mounts:

  • Golden Charger (473)
  • Valorous Charger (474)
  • Vengeful Charger (475)
  • Vigilant Charger (476)

I completed the Dominance Offensive campaign, and gained the two mounts from it:

  • Grand Wyvern (477)
  • Grand Armored Wyvern (478)

I paid 10,000g for one of the two mounts from my Garrison:

  • Rocktusk Battleboar (479)

I also completed the Advanced Husbandry achievement, since you can do that while you are still training your stable mounts:

  • Armored Frostboar (480)

I grinded out rep with the Saberstalkers and collected 6,000 Blackfang Claws:

  • Wild Goretusk (481)
  • Bristling Hellboar (482)

I also grinded out rep with Steamwheedle Preservation Society, Frostwolf Orcs and Vol’jin’s Headhunters:

  • Domesticated Razorback (483)
  • Swift Frostwolf (484)
  • Deathtusk Felboar (485)

I continued to grind Genesis Motes and made 3 more mounts:

  • Raptora Swooper (486)
  • Buzz (487)
  • Tarachnid Creeper (488)

I completed the 3-ish achievements I needed for Glory of the Cataclysm Raider:

  • Drake of the East Wind (489)

I also did the Vash’jir opening quests, since I don’t remember what character I did it with back in Cataclysm:

  • Vashjir Seahorse (490)

I farmed the Dreamsurge event to collect 20 Charred Elemental Remains:

  • Renewed Magmammoth (491)

So, this puts me at 491/500. I still have about 8 mounts that I can get from Protoform Synthesis, except one of the patterns drops from the Enlightened paragon cache so that’s probably not gonna happen anytime soon, and two of them use a rare material that is either a weekly chance or gambling with Cyphers of the First Ones, so realistically, it’s 6 that I can get reliably.

That would put me at 497/500, leaving me with 3 more that I need. Outside of Island Expeditions where I could get 7 mounts, do you have some suggestions for me?

Do any of the TBC factions sell mounts? Spec holy/disc and run time walking with the darkmoon buff to grind rep quickly. If you have a human tank or healer alt and can get them to 30 even better? Otherwise, next week time time walking rotation you could see what expansion it is and grind rep outta it to buy mounts.

Speaking of TBC, do you have the OG nether drake mounts? You get a variety of colors and getting eggs, especially in warmode should be easier.

There’s also those talbuk mounts in nagrand, I think they also come in a handful of colours.

The only TBC mounts I do not have are the Raven Lord and the PvP mounts from Halaa.

Elusive Emerald Hawkstrider if you have a belf who is exalted with Silvermoon.

Reins of the Raven Lord possibly, though that’s a lower drop rate.

Reins of the Grand Ice Mammoth is fairly inexpensive if you’re exalted with Sons of Hodir.

Argent Tournament is a bunch of quests but is also a fair few mounts too.

Pandaren Kite String and Reins of the Crimson Primal Direhorn depending on your Pandaren reps…

Garrison stables probably wouldn’t take super long and gives a lot of mounts too.

Brinedeep Bottom Feeder isn’t too bad if you find a group for Legion fishing, though that’s not guaranteed.

Maybe check your exalted reps and make sure you have all the available inexpensive mounts?

The Inkscale Deepseeker is way easier to get now that Nazjatar is empty, you just need to kill rares and do events in Nazjatar while in War Mode to gain the currency for the mount. Took me about a week and a half to get the mount!


Crafted 3 more Protoform Synthesis mounts, leaving 4 remaining (two of which require an Unalloyed Bronze Ingot, which is a weekly chance from the Repotory Alcove)

  • Forged Spiteflayer (492)
  • Genesis Crawler (493)
  • Goldplate Bufonid (494)

For some reason, my mount collection says 493/500, so I’m not sure what is going on with that, having logged into each character to make sure it updated.

I am STUCK on the same number!!! 472… I have added more mounts since then… but NONE of my toons are updating. This really sucks. I was close to 500… 492/498 … and then all the sudden it’s now 472… and never changes!

Ratstallion from Legion should be much easier to get. Just farming rares in Dalaran’s underbelly.

Brinedeep bottomfeeder is easy enough to obtain. I think it took roughly four hours of fishing?

Fathom Dweller from the riddle is just a little tedious with all the zone traversal, but takes maybe an hour to do per alt. (Boss resets every two weeks, so it’ll drop the pet or the mount). Riddler’s Mind Worm was also fun.

I’d also check the auction house for some mounts. I don’t recall them being ABSURDLY expensive these days.

I’m not sure if your profile “collection” is correct, but it looks like you’re missing a bunch of mounts from BFA that can be purchased.

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Go on dataforazeroth here; www. dataforazeroth .com/collections/mounts

  • Type in your character’s info in the top right corner where it says “Realm” & “Character Name”.
  • Click on “Mounts”
  • Deselect “Collected” & “Collected On Alt”
  • Click the “Advanced” dropdown arrow.
  • Deselect “Unobtainable”
  • Sort mount rarity by most common first (highest %).

Go through the list and one by one. Also you can go through your in game mount journal and check what mounts can simply be bought at vendors or obtained through quests.

I’ve also obtained quite a few mounts this past month by trying to achieve legacy raid skips. Most of the mounts I’ve gotten so far were before even completing the quests.

I have since gotten the 500 mounts needed for the Otterworldly Ottuk Carrier, but I appreciate the input. It could be helpful to other people who are still trying to figure out what mounts they can try to obtain to reach this milestone.