I completed the Paladin Order Hall campaign, as Paladins have 6 class-specific mounts:
- Golden Charger (473)
- Valorous Charger (474)
- Vengeful Charger (475)
- Vigilant Charger (476)
I completed the Dominance Offensive campaign, and gained the two mounts from it:
- Grand Wyvern (477)
- Grand Armored Wyvern (478)
I paid 10,000g for one of the two mounts from my Garrison:
- Rocktusk Battleboar (479)
I also completed the Advanced Husbandry achievement, since you can do that while you are still training your stable mounts:
I grinded out rep with the Saberstalkers and collected 6,000 Blackfang Claws:
- Wild Goretusk (481)
- Bristling Hellboar (482)
I also grinded out rep with Steamwheedle Preservation Society, Frostwolf Orcs and Vol’jin’s Headhunters:
- Domesticated Razorback (483)
- Swift Frostwolf (484)
- Deathtusk Felboar (485)
I continued to grind Genesis Motes and made 3 more mounts:
- Raptora Swooper (486)
- Buzz (487)
- Tarachnid Creeper (488)
I completed the 3-ish achievements I needed for Glory of the Cataclysm Raider:
- Drake of the East Wind (489)
I also did the Vash’jir opening quests, since I don’t remember what character I did it with back in Cataclysm:
I farmed the Dreamsurge event to collect 20 Charred Elemental Remains:
So, this puts me at 491/500. I still have about 8 mounts that I can get from Protoform Synthesis, except one of the patterns drops from the Enlightened paragon cache so that’s probably not gonna happen anytime soon, and two of them use a rare material that is either a weekly chance or gambling with Cyphers of the First Ones, so realistically, it’s 6 that I can get reliably.
That would put me at 497/500, leaving me with 3 more that I need. Outside of Island Expeditions where I could get 7 mounts, do you have some suggestions for me?