Farming Mageweave cloth

The Farming Guides I find all say Zul’Farrak is the best place to farm Mageweave cloth. I have now killed the first 20 MOBs and gotten ONE Mageweave. Is this still the best place to farm Mageweave in TBC Classic?

The ghosts in Azshara.

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The pirate cove in Tanaris is pretty good.


Thanks both, sorry I am late with my appreciation.

For Horde (at Level 70), the mine in Blasted Lands…

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Farm the ogres in Tanaris. Easy to kill, plentiful, and at the right level range for dropping lots of mageweave.

Ogres in southern Tanaris.

I always killed the firbolgs in southern Felwood when farming for mageweave.

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Felwood satyrs, I got hundreds and hundreds of cloth while farming demonic runes.

That being said, your best bet is just farming gold then buying it

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